Relaxing Chamber

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       In the shower, Y/N sat on the floor just letting the warm water cascade down her body. Thank god she didn't have to pay any water or electric bills, her already dead wallet would be double dead. She wasn't particularly sad, but she also wasn't particularly happy. Showers have always been her safe space, away from everything and everyone. For some reason being in a water chamber type of thing was relaxing.

        The phone resting on the counter a few feet outside the shower played some music that Y/N quietly sang to. She almost dozed off, the water running down her felt like a warm blanket and the steam in the air made her a bit drowsy. Out of nowhere the alarm on her phone started going off, signaling she had to get out so Ochako could shower now.

         Coming out of the bathroom, she hoped Bakugou had gone to his room. Peeking into the common area, she didn't see him. Scurrying up towards the elevator, towel in hand, Y/N thanked the heavens she wouldn't have to come face to face with him once more.


        Y/N lay still on her bed, fluffy blankets and pillows surrounding her. She scrolled mindlessly through the internet, not being able to fall asleep after what happened. She didn't get hurt, which was good, but something just shook her the wrong way.

"My first day and I almost got fucking killed. Good going Y/N. Just amazing." She sarcastically whispered to herself before sighing and rolling on her side.

        Her phone pinged, she slid her finger down the screen to open the notification. She saw Mina had texted her, she also saw an unread message from Riku.

[10:13 PM] Mina💕: U okay?

[10:13 PM] Y/N: yeah, I'm fine lol. nothing to stress over

[10:14 PM] Mina💕: Glad to hear it! goodnight! see u tmrw!!

[10:14 PM] Y/N: lol good night Mina

        Y/N smiled faintly at Mina's texts. She had never really texted anyone besides therapists and the people who watched over her. But then again, she never really had any friends to text either.

        Remembering Riku's notification, Y/N went to read his text also.

[9:36 PM] Riku🧲: So how did it go?

[10:14 PM] Y/N: good, I almost died :)

[10:25 PM] Riku🧲: Haha, very funny. I'm glad you at least survived

       She shut off her phone after reading his text. A few minutes and some mindless daydreaming later, Y/N finally let sleep take her away.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm currently super busy! 💙💙

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