"Chan" Suffix

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        The school day was over rather fast, in Aizawa's class Y/N took her quirk apprehension test. Aizawa made the rest of the class stay behind to watch her, which put her on edge. Compared to everyone else she was probably close to nothing with her quirk. The first test was the 50 Meter Dash, not being able to use her quirk in order to enhance speed she passed with 7.5 seconds. On the Grip Strength test, she only got 50 Kg. Huffing out some air in frustration after seeing her average scores she began to doubt herself before remembering Riku's words from that morning.

"I have to give it my all." The girl mumbled to herself while getting into position for the next activity.

        After a few more tests Aizawa told her the Ball Throw was the final test, he seemed disappointed and so did the others. They had sorrowful expressions on their faces as they watched her approach the white mat.

'I have to figure out how to incorporate my quirk with this one to at least show them I can do something...' The girl told herself before turning to face Aizawa, instead, she came face to face with a softball soaring towards her.

        Caught off guard she threw up a hand, releasing a sigh of relief after seeing she successfully caught the ball in a bubble she relaxed. A slight smile grew on her face as she listened to the students talk about her quirk, it was reassuring that some of them thought she had some potential.

        Y/N got into a throwing position trying her best to remember what she learned at softball practice 10 years ago. Before deciding she would do something different, she beckoned the floating bubble that contained the softball inside towards her.

"Do I have to throw it?" She glanced at Aizawa.

"Whatever helps you get it furthest." He lazily answered.

With a nod, she took the bubble in her open palm before throwing it up and hitting it like a volleyball. She watched for a few seconds as she bubble floated out and up into the atmosphere. Soon the girl began to feel drained and decided she had gotten it far enough before dissipating the bubble, letting the softball drop to the ground.

        Aizawa held up a device that measured how many meters she got the ball, it showed 1,206 meters. Happily exhaling Y/N smiled, content with herself she walked back to join the other group of students they walked to the dorm building.

"Hey Y/N! That throw was impressive! You got it further than Bakugou did!" Kirishima called out to her, as she jogged up to him.

"Wait really?" She chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, "I honestly didn't think I could get it that far myself, you saw how average I did on all my other tests."

"Get the fuck out of my way!"

        Y/N snapped her head towards the pissed-off male behind her, Bakugou walked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, sorry." She mumbled before moving so he could get through. Instead of walking past her, the ash-blonde took her spot next to Kirishima. Leaving Y/N surprised at the utter rudeness of the boy.

        The red-haired boy shot an apologetic look at her, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment before continuing on with Bakugou.


         Standing up to get a full view of her new room, Y/N was content with how it turned out. She had spent some time rearranging and organizing, to make the place feel more comfortable. Breathing out a sigh, the girl swiped away a drop of sweat on her forehead.

         Y/N's stomach rumbled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since lunch. Glancing at the clock on her way out into the dormitory halls, she noted that it read 5:09 PM.

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