Burnt Rice

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        Y/N groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes, blindly reaching for her phone to shut the ringing alarm off. Laying back down, she let out a yawn and stretched. Eventually, after debating on whether to actually get up or to just hide under the covers until the sun goes away, she got up and started getting ready for her first day at UA High.

        With most of her stuff already in her new dorm on campus, she only had the bare essentials which consisted of her uniform, toiletries, and schoolbooks. The H/C haired girl had automatic permission to move into the dorms the school had implemented. Since her current guardian, Riku, put his full trust into the school and it's staff members, whether that was for worse or for better she had yet to find out. Y/N stared at herself in the mirror, the dust making her reflection spotty.

        Adjusting her tie, she scanned the room's reflection in the mirror. It was plain but since Riku was currently obsessed with Interior Design Magazine it had some weird rich people decor. Such as a lamp with a circular lampshade, and pictures on the walls with no significant meaning. Just some black splatters of paint that probably cost upwards of 300 dollars.

         Y/N gave a short wave to Riku as she headed into the kitchen. She bent down to slip on her shoes, struggling at trying to untie one of the knots made by her laces. She looked up upon hearing Riku's voice ring across the kitchen. "Hey, remember you're going to the dorms after school, you aren't coming back here until the weekend." He called out.

"Yeah, you've told me a million times Riku. I may be forgetful but I'm not stupid."

        Riku's mouth twisted into a smirk as he cocked an eyebrow at the girl, before turning serious again, "You're going to be okay, just give it your all. That's all I ask."

        Y/N strained a tight smile in return and nodded, she pulled up her sneaker over her heel. The force causing her to almost fall on her ass. She began making her way to the door. 'Way to make me feel confident Riku.' She sarcastically thought as she recalled his words.

"HEY AND WATCH YOUR MOUTH IN CLASS, NO PROFANITY! AND-" The male called out, but the slamming of the door cut him off.

        The young girl briskly walked to the school keeping her head down, she wasn't quite used to quirks being used out in the open yet and preferred to avoid public transportation. It'd be an understatement to say Y/N was a little intimidated by everyone else.

(Day of New Dorms Bakugou POV)

"I'd expel every one of you except for select few," Aizawa said, rather flatly.

        The students of Class One A stood outside the new dorms, being scolded by their teacher for rescuing Bakugou.

         Aizawa, "Oh, and tomorrow we'll be receiving a new student."

         Surprised faces met wide eyes as the students stared at each other in shock. The shock quickly turned into curiosity, which morphed into excitement.

"A new student? But UA is in its second semester already, won't they be behind?" Uraraka questioned.

"But with everything that has occurred the past few days is UA really in a position to take on a new student? Especially in our class?" Tsuyu questioned Aizawa, holding a finger to her bottom lip.

        A tired Aizawa turned back toward his students, "This student has been on the roster since a few months ago when they took their entrance exam. The only reason they're joining now out of all times is because they didn't have enough experience with their quirk." Before his students could question him anymore, he walked off.

        Kirishima glanced at the class and stated, "Well if they're being put into the hero course straight away, they probably made it in due to recommendation. Like Todoroki and Momo."

"Did you not hear Mr. Aizawa? He said they didn't have enough experience to join any earlier than now so I doubt it."

          Bakugou rolled his eyes and bore an annoyed expression as he stomped towards the dorms, making sure to bump into Midoriya on his way out. The green-haired male looked up at Bakugou with unease, backing away to let him through.

"Yeah, but wouldn't they have already been in the course?"

        Iida walked over his arm chopping air again, "I understand you are all anticipating meeting the new student. But we must begin making ourselves at home, we have work and other various studying to do tonight."

"Man what a buzzkill," Sero commented, walking past Iida to follow a few of the students that had begun walking towards the front door of the dorm building.

(In The Dorms)

"Kaminari you cannot put metal in the microwave." Jirou scolded the male who was struggling to hold a hot pan.

"You're never cooking again."

"Agreed. Kaminari sucks at it."

"How about we just order out?" Mina suggested, eyeing the unappetizing burnt rice. Her face twisted into a pitiful expression.

"Mina, you're a genius!" Toru exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the pink-haired girl.


         Some of the students remained in the common area, while others had gone to bed. It had gotten pretty late, with the mess Kaminari had left behind it took a while to get scorch marks out of the microwave.

        Lifting a leg up into the air, "What do you think the new student will be like? Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Mina asked the others.

"I hope it's a girl, we're outnumbered by the guys." Answered Tsuyu as she squatted on one of the couches.

"Well, I bet it's a boy! If he's getting straight into the hero course, then he's gotta be super manly!" Kirishima stated excitedly, "How about you Bakugou? You haven't said much today."

        Bakugou lifted his head and sent an annoyed look towards Kirishima "It doesn't matter if they're a girl or a boy, I'm still going to kick all your asses."

"On that note, I'm going to bed." Momo plainly stated, already halfway across the room.


So for the sake of the storyline, UA is in the second semester. It doesn't match up with the anime timeline but oh well. Also in the anime, UA holds classes on Saturdays. But in this story, it won't.💙💙

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