Grocery Store

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[Bakugou POV]

The boy stared at the girl who had asked a question with no one around to answer. Upon hearing his voice she whirled around and gasped, falling off the stool she sat on in the process. Smirking, he approached her as she struggled to get up.

He had gone to the common area to get water but instead saw Y/N. At first, he stood still in the hallway, not sure if he should return back to his room.

'Tch. I'm not going to let this bitch affect my decision making. I came down here for water I'm going to get fucking water.' He huffed out some air, prepared to walk into the kitchen. He stopped mid-step once he heard her speak.


The girl stared up at the boy who caused her downfall, still startled she looked at him with wide eyes. He was filling up a cup with water from the tap, not paying attention to her. Y/N picked herself up, rubbing her head from where she hit it on the counter during her fall.

Bakugou turned to face her, he leaned back against the counter and took in her appearance, sipping his water. Quickly the E/C eyed girl wiped the remaining tears from her face and straightened herself up. Taking a shuddering breath, she mentally braced herself for any insults he might have.

Instead he just stared at her with his usual narrowed eyes, he seemed to have zoned out for a second. Uncomfortable with the silence, she nervously chuckled and started rambling about how clumsy she was.

Y/N stopped talking when he started walking towards her, her stomach slightly dropped as he walked closer. Mentally sighing in relief, she watched as he passed her. His form entered the hallway. He seemed to melt into the shadows. Not before uttering a sentence that left Y/N confused and a little thankful.

"This didn't happen."


Currently, at Riku's penthouse, she was explaining to him what happened on Friday, about how she passed out and figured out her quirk did something new. She showed him by bringing the shield up, and he looked thoughtfully at her before speaking.

"It appears instead of Bubbles, you have a force field quirk. You said nothing anyone does to try and break through the bubbles cracks them?" He asked her.

Still examining the clear shield on the outside of her arm, she nodded in agreement.

"Well, then you need to go to Town Hall and update your quirk registration. Otherwise, you'll get your license suspended." Riku explained, before also adding, "While on the way there could you pick up some groceries? You can buy whatever you need with the leftover change. I just need some ingredients for meals."

"Sure, which store?" The girl asked as Riku handed her a bill and told her whichever was closest.

Thinking about what Riku had said about her quirk not being Bubbles, it started to make sense. I mean, regular bubbles popped upon impact but her's didn't.

"I guess I never really have tried making a different shape, they're all just circles. Maybe that's why people thought it was Bubbles." She murmured to herself while walking down the sidewalk to Town Hall.

It was hot outside, and the sun beating down on her didn't help. Taking off her hoodie and tying it around her waist, she continued on. Finally reaching the building, a wave off cool air rushed over her as she stepped inside. The lady behind the counter greeted her with a smile.


Letting out a long sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration as she walked down the street to the nearest grocery store. Lost in thought.

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