Purple Balls

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        Upon catching Bakugou's words, Y/N gasped as he blasted himself into the air. The heat from his explosions almost burning her fucking face off. The girl hadn't seen Bakugou in action like this before, he was clearly powerful and it was no surprise how he managed to top the class. This would also explain his superiority complex. She rolled her eyes at the thought before resuming frantically trying to create a plan.

"Shit. Okay, don't fuck this up." Y/N muttered to herself, before picking up the pace and taking a leap.

        She sprang in the air, her arm outstretched in an attempt to grab the boy's leg. The heat from his explosions singeing some of the girl's hair. Noticing this, Y/N threw up her other arm in an attempt to at least spare some of her face from 3rd-degree burns. She gasped at the shield-shaped thing that appeared on the outside of her arm. However she couldn't dwell on it for long, it protected her from the heat, and that was good enough for now.

        Her dominant hand, the one she stretched out, fell onto the boy's foot. This stopped her from falling back onto the ground, it also alerted Bakugou to Y/N's presence. His eyes grew at the shield-like object the girl was holding up.

"What the fuck!" The ash-blonde yelled as he tried using his other foot to pry the girl off.

        Y/N realized he couldn't use his hands to knock her off since they were both occupied with emitting explosions that kept him airborne. Using this to her advantage, she managed to wrap her other arm around his waist. One she felt she had a secure grip, she used all her strength to hoist herself up. All while keeping her shield up to prevent burns.

"Get the fuck off me you damn bitch!" The boy shouted at her, even though he couldn't do anything to get her off him himself. His threats proving useless.

"Stop yelling at me and pay attention," Y/N stared up at Bakugou, who held her gaze with equal intensity. "My bubbles are collapsing and the others are catching up, soon Todoroki will be free and he'll-"

          Her words were cut off as ice sliced through the air, the bi-haired boy riding it like a wave, surpassing them both.

[Bakugou POV]

        The boy yelled in frustration upon seeing Todoroki pass him. He glimpsed down at Y/N whose eyes were wide as she watched the boy whizz by.

'This is all her damn fault! I'm going to lose to Icyhot because of her!" He told himself.

"Get the hell off me!" He angrily shouted at the girl, she tightened her grip around his waist as she cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me! It's either we both lose to Todoroki or we work together and share first place! The others are catching up quickly," Y/N took a glance behind her, "It's your call!"

        The ash-blonde boy narrowed his eyes in concentration as he assessed his options, he hated to admit it but Y/N was right. He growled and let out a huff before deactivating his quirk on one of his palms. Raising the girl to his chest with a pissed look on his face, he wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her from falling and bringing them both down.


        Her eyes broadened as Bakugou lifted her so they were face to face. She could feel warmth creeping up her face as he kept his arm around her waist. She hadn't been this close to anyone before, let alone a boy. Not sure what to do with her hands, she wrapped one around the boy's neck to steady herself.

'Great so we're hugging. While in the air. Perfect.' Y/N sarcastically thought before looking up at Bakugou. His eyes were focused on Todoroki, but with only one hand emitting explosions they had lost speed.

       Y/N desperately tried to think of anything to help, not wanting to be the cause of Bakugou's loss. She looked back to see where everyone else stood in the race, her eyes met with Iida's as he zoomed towards them. Startled, Y/N broke eye contact and instead saw Mineta who was trailing behind Iida, throwing balls as if his life depended on it. Gears turning in her head, the girl started forming a plan.

"I have an idea, just don't drop me please!" Y/N yelled, Bakugou turned to face her, "Get in Mineta's line of throwing, I want him to hit my back!"

[Bakugou POV]

"No! Whatever you're trying to do, you'll fuck it up!" He roared in response.

"Will you just listen to me! Goddammit! If you actually paid attention to your surroundings you'd know the situation we're in isn't all that great! I got us into this, let me help get us out!" The E/C eyed girl pleaded with him.


        Bakugou looked back at the others, he steadied himself before moving into Mineta's field of throwing. After a few of the purple balls soared past them, one hit Y/N directly on her back making her huff out some air upon impact. The ash-blonde moved his arm further down the girl's backside, in order to not get hit. He observed in confusion as Y/N wiggled around in his grasp. She glanced back at Iida, who was advancing on them.

"Stop using your quirk and hold me like when people carry their brides in the movies! I need the thing on my back to hit Iida when he passes!" She told him, a bead of sweat falling from her forehead.

        Bakugou now understood what the girl was trying to do, he was impressed with her quick thinking. He'd be more impressed if she pulled it off, rolling his eyes he calculated the percentage that she would be able to pull this off. The odds weren't in their favor.

        Nevertheless, he did as she said. He avoided eye contact to hide the slight blush developing on his face. He hadn't been this close to a girl before. Descending back towards the ground, he watched as Iida ran past them. His arm colliding with the ball on Y/N's back.

"Yes!" Y/N shouted she started laughing as Iida looked at her with a troubled expression. Her laughs turned into a scream as Iida successfully caught up to Todoroki, pulling Bakugou and Y/N along with him. The H/C haired girl hadn't anticipated the pure speed Iida had.

        After collecting herself, the girl twisted around Bakugou until she was on his back. Like a child being given a piggyback ride.

"When I give you the signal you're going to activate your quirk again to get us back into the air!"

        Annoyed with how much he was being bossed around, he glared at her before relocating his arms behind his back. Watching the girl, he saw she pulled out a dagger that was strapped to her thigh and cut her costume. Since it was skin tight she had sliced into her skin a few times, he saw her face wince up each time the blade hit her. The fabric that the ball was stuck onto disconnected from her figure. Seeing this, he didn't wait for her signal.

        He blasted off, in order for Y/N to not fall off his back, she tightened her grip and burrowed her head into the crook of his neck. Too overwhelmed with the intention of winning, Bakugou didn't notice the girl's grip begin to loosen. Once he passed Todoroki, they only had a few feet until the finish line.

        Bakugou let out a victorious roar as he passed the finish line. Returning to the ground, Y/N fell from his figure. Landing on the ground with a thud, he turned to look at her. The ash-blonde's face formed into annoyance as he realized she had gone and passed out.

"You overdid yourself so we could win. Fucking dumbass." He muttered to her. Todoroki and Iida approached the girl seconds later, he backed away to enjoy his win.

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