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[Bakugou POV]

        Bakugou walked out of the bathrooms after yelling at Sero for touching his toothpaste. Already pissed off, even though it wasn't 8 AM yet, the boy stormed back to his room to get dressed.

        Once reaching the 4th floor, Bakugou passed Y/N in the hallway. He avoided eye contact and held an angered expression. He felt fucking pitiful around her. He knew he shouldn't have texted her, it made him seem weak.

"Now she's just going to think she's better than me." The ash-blonde growled to himself while putting on his uniform. Not bothering to put a tie on, he grabbed his phone and started heading back downstairs.


        Y/N passed Bakugou in the hallway, he seemed extra pissed off this morning but to her surprise, he didn't glare at her or insult her at all.

'Weird. But I'm not complaining.' She thought, shrugging at the strange behavior the boy exhibited.

        The tired girl let out a yawn as she made her way into the kitchen to grab some fruit. She had woken up late, glancing at the clock she saw it read 8:06 AM.

"Shit." She stated, louder than she would've liked. A few of her peers looked at her in a questioning manner. Ignoring them, Y/N ate her breakfast and rushed to the bathroom.


        The E/C eyed girl had just finished changing into her hero costume. Thankful that the shoes had worn in from yesterday's class. Waiting for Mina to finish getting dressed, Y/N whistled to herself wondering what Aizawa would have them do today.

         The two girls jogged to catch up with the others, barely making it in time for Aizawa to start speaking.

"You're going to be doing an obstacle course race. Similar to the one at the sports festival, however, this time will be less drastic. The first person to finish will get extra credit on Monday's essay." Aizawa finished addressing the students, who collectively groaned at hearing they had an upcoming essay.

        Aizawa directed the students to the beginning of the track they would be following. It led out of the gym and presumably around the school.

'Well I know one thing, I'm not getting that extra credit.' Y/N's face crinkled into an expression of pain. She already knew how this was going to go.

"No. No. No. You are going to do this, and you are going to give it your all. That's why you're here remember? You can do this." The girl spoke to herself while loosening up her body, getting into a running stance. Her negative thoughts were forced out by determination.

"Hey, you're gonna do great." Kirishima set a hand Y/N's shoulder, flashing her a smile. It was clear to the students around her that she was visibly nervous. Kirishima took a running stance alongside Y/N. They waited for Aizawa to blow his whistle.

        The girl took off as fast as she could once the whistle was sounded. But her fastest wasn't fast enough. Y/N could see how hard these students trained, some of them had quirks that could help them gain speed as well. This was painstakingly clear to her as Aoyama whizzed by, throwing up a peace sign, his laser allowed him to not use his legs at all.

'Man why couldn't I have been born with his quirk!?' The girl thought to herself as she desperately ran. Not long after, Aoyama face planted into the ground, 'Ouch, nevermind I take that back!'

         Things only got worse when everyone started attacking each other, aiming for first place. Some students attacked intentionally, others just left behind trials that made it more difficult for the people behind them. Like Todoroki's ice.

"Think. Think. Fucking think you dumbass brain. How come you get straight A's but can't win a damn race?!" Y/N scolded herself for being so far behind, "At least I'm not last." She threw a pitiful glance towards Mineta who was struggling to keep up.

        The balls on top of Mineta's head gave the girl an idea. Smirking she started running faster, stumbling a few times due to her wedges, to catch up with some of the others.

        Once approaching the middle of the hoard of students, Y/N started encasing them in her Bubbles. She then made those bubbles hover a few feet in the air, trapping the students. She looked up and gave Mina an apologetic look, Mina fired back with a thumbs up and a smile.

        Finally catching up, she took over Todoroki. Leaving her running behind Bakugou, who was in the first place. Smiling with joy at the fact she was able to catch up, she propelled herself closer to the ash-blonde.

"Hey! I'm not gonna let you win Y/N!"

          Turning to look behind her, trying to find the threat, she realized her bubbles were collapsing. Freeing the other students. Her eyes widened and turned to look in front of her once more. Y/N's eyes met with Bakugou's, whose eyes were equally as wide.

[Bakugou POV]

         The boy easily made it to the front, only behind Todoroki and Iida. After weaving between the two, he watched with a sneer as Iida slipped on the ice omitted by Todoroki.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY ICY HOT!" He shouted at the male several feet ahead of him.

         Todoroki and Bakugou fought for first place, one overtaking the other only to be back in second place again. Though Todoroki remained silent, a look of seriousness on his face. Bakugou was worked up, cussing the dual haired boy out between every inhale.

        He hadn't noticed that Todoroki was no longer behind him until he heard someone yell something about Y/N.

'That bitch can't be that far up, her quirk is only good for protecting herself.' Bakugou told himself, before turning his head to see what was occurring behind him.

        His eyes were met by Y/N who was gaining on him. His shocked expression quickly morphed into one of ferocity. The girl had caught him off guard, the ash-blonde didn't expect her to be able to compete with everyone else. Let alone him. Yet here she was, only a few feet behind him. Her jaw was locked, and her brow was furrowed, it was clear to Bakugou that if he didn't do something drastic now that Y/N could finish in first.

        It pained him to admit that the girl was impressive, she made do with what her quirk was. He could see that much, he saw some of the other students falling from bubbles. Which could only mean she must've trapped them. But then why was she releasing them this early?

'Either she has a time limit, or she can only make so many until she wears herself out.' He thought, before turning back around to face forward.

"Half and half might've let you pass him, but I'm sure as hell not!" The boy yelled, a menacing smile on his face.

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