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I was showing my wife around my, oh excuse me I meant “our” vast house since we were getting to know each other. To my surprise, she did not realise that, we have an elevator in the house since she kept complaining about the long staircase we have in this house.

Enhle:”How does one even start cleaning this house, it’s so huge.”
Luu:”We can always get a helper you know.”
Enhle:”But still, I’d be exhausted before I could even get to the next room cleaning around. The corridor itself is long I’m sure it will take up my energy of cleaning two rooms.” I laughed. 
Luu:”I think your parents should refund our money back, my wife is lazy!” She holds her chest dramatically.
Enhle:”Oh no Mayiza. It’s not my fault that you did not know who you are getting married to.” I chuckled.
Luu:”But I am getting to know you know, tell you what. Asambe so khangela ilunch.” (Let’s go out for lunch.)
Enhle:”But we have to start packing, I am leaving tomorrow remember?” I sigh. I can’t live without her already, I know it’s too soon but hey, I think I found the diamond I’ve been searching for.
Luu:”We’ll be back before you know. We'll just steal two hours of our time.” She looks at me.
Luu:”C’mon. You can’t say no to this pretty face.” I poise putting my best charm on my face.
Enhle:”Okay fine! Just only two hours.” She giggled. I pressed the button of elevator.
Luu:”Before we waste anymore time.” The elevator opened. “Shall we?”

We are now settled in a restaurant and the waiter came and placed our order on our table. I keep stealing glances at her chewing, showing her only dimple that she does not even have to try hard making it visibly appear on her left cheek.

Luu:”Umhle yazi. Baku xelele lonto?” (You are beautiful. Did they ever tell you that?) Wait, is she blushing? I won’t lie, I am quite nervous.
Enhle:”Ngiyabonga, Luu.” And she calls me Luu. You on the right track Luu, keep going. My subconscious tells me.
Luu:”I was thinking, maybe we should do this honey moon thing. We sho…” 
Enhle:”Luu, we agreed on taking things slow.” Could she not at least wait for me to finish? Anyway…
Luu:”I know, but I was thinking that it would be a perfect step to know each other like, maybe we should go somewhere challenging, somewhere meaningful and where we can learn and discover things about each other. Somewhere adventures.”
Enhle:”I hear you. We can talk about this after the wedding then.” That’s a relief.
Luu:”Awesome. So, why your dad’s company?”
Enhle:”It started when I was only an intern after I matriculated. I was only a receptionist then before I moved to being my father's PA. Although I am on my last year in varsity of studying pediatrician, I am quite enjoying running my dad's company now. From PA to a shareholder.”
Luu:”Impressive. So, you like working with kids don’t you?” Beauty with brains, right there!
Enhle:”I try hey.”
Luu:”Would you maybe, someday like to have your own kids?” She nods.
Enhle:”I have always wanted to have one, and if I were ready by then, I would probably be opting for baby number two right now.” She giggles.
Luu:”I see. So, when do you think you will be ready?” I hope I am not making her uncomfortable.
Enhle:”Maybe, well I don’t know but, I first want to settle in with my career and the rest shall follow.” She shrugged, I nod.
Luu:”I saw how good you were noLindokuhle ngo Mqibelo. He likes you, I mean he is not that comfortable around people he has never met before you saw that yourself “Mommy Enhle”, you both were nail and finger on Saturday.” (With Lindokuhle on Saturday.) We share a laugh.
Enhle:”Ncoow, you cute when you jealous.” She smirks.
Luu:”What does that even mean?” She rolls her eyes. My phone rings. I check the caller ID, it is Yoniswa. I sighed enough to be heard before I gazed my eyes to Enhle. She didn’t seem bothered, in fact she was minding herself. 
Luu:”May I?” I ask nervously. Fuck! She makes me feel weak.
Enhle:”Oh yes. Don’t mind me.” 
I answered the non-stop ringing phone.

Yoniswa:”You finally answered! Praise the Lord!” She’s been blowing up my phone since after the wedding. I’ve been ignoring her.
Luu:”Ufuna ntoni Yoniswa?” (What do you want?) Enhle slightly raised her left eyebrow as she sips on her passion fruit.
Yoniswa:”Ndi funa nton!? Ndifuna oyo umfazi wakho adlalele kude le ku Lindo yeva!? Ndim'funa apha by the end of the week!” (What do I want? I want that wife of yours to play far away from Lindo, you hear me!?) The shouting just is so unnecessary. I am now forced to pull the phone away a bit from my ear before my tympanic membrane gets damaged for nonsense.
Luu:”Uphambene, u Lindo is also my son and I can have him whenever I want.” (You are crazy.)
Yoniswa:”Ubise umtwana wam yeva!? Ndim’funa apha or I will call the police on you!” I feel my inner self boiling. I am becoming furious.
Luyolo:”Uthusela mna ngama polisa?” (Are you threatening me?) My voice raised a little higher and bold. “ Listen here woman, if you still want to see Lindokuhle ever again you will take back the shit you just said or I will fuck up your life, I will squash you!” Enhle gets a little startled when I said the last part a bit loud and stares at me. I don’t want to bear in malice but, Yoniswa is forcing me to.
Luyolo:”And the stunt that you did by sending your sister to my wedding, wrong move!” I clicked my tongue and hung up. I took a deep breath and the table just went silent for a minute, if not more.

Enhle:”Are you okay?” She finally breaks off the silence. I nodded. 
Luu:”How dare she threaten to take my son away from me? I have been nothing but a good parent to Lindo. I manned up and took responsibility from day one. I don’t want to hurt her so if she knows what’s good for her, she'll drop the nonsense.”
Enhle:”It’s me isn’t it? I am the cause of her pain. I snatched you from her didn’t I?” Her voice is breaking off, breaking me inside. I know I didn’t end things with Yoniswa the right way and make her understand but, using my son to get to me, bullshit!
Luu:”Enhle… Please, this is all me. You have nothing to do with this.” Her tears escaped her eyes involuntarily, she looked down. “Please Enhle, don’t cry.” I plead.
Enhle:”I am sorry, it’s just I… I didn’t expect this.” She chuckled. “What am I saying, I did expect this but I…” She sobs, I pull and hold her hands into mine.
Luu:”Enhle, I am the one who is sorry here. Please don’t cry I promise I will fix this.” I kissed her knuckles.
Enhle:”So, the young lady that walked in our…”
Luu:” She's her sister. I sent her sister a message before we exchanged vows letting her know that I am getting married. So I am guessing that she sent her. Look, I am with you right now and it’s all that matters.” She shook her head.
Enhle:” But you have unfinished business with her.”
Luu:”But I am with you now Enhle. I want to give our marriage a try. I want to make us work despite me having a baby momma out there. Please don’t say you want to give up before we even start.” She smiles. I am falling in love with this woman here. I admit.
Luu:”Enhle? I will make things right, please trust me.” She breaths out.
Enhle:”Fine…” She faintly smiled as she gently wiped away her tears.

SIBLINGS-IN-LAW:LOVE & CONSEQUENCESWhere stories live. Discover now