Tuesday and the early hours of wednesday

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I woke up and I checked the time it read 8:45am. I groaned. I didn't want to get up so i rolled over but the joy was interrupted ten minutes later.
"Time to wake up you" Sam said in a singsong voice

"Ugh" I grunt as I grudgingly get out of bed and choose some clothes and shooing my dad out of the room. I got dressed put my badge on and walked downstairs half asleep. Dad gave me my bag and he made sure my lunchbox was in my school bag before handing me a cereal bar which fell out of my hand as I was too tired to hold it.

I'm sure i hear my dad grunt something. He opens it and places it into my mouth. I chew slowly. My eyes blink and soon enough we arrive at the bus stop and we can see everyone there and everyone can see my dad half carryin, half dragging me.

I relcunty take the bar and clamber onto the bus let my bag slip off before falling onto the chair and doing my seatbelt up. As soon as I did that I was fast asleep.

"She's knackered Sam" Charlie said to his brother as he saw Jones head hit the window as the bus drive away

"What?" Sam said

"I said Jones is super tired and you just sent her in" Charlie mutters

"We didn't sleep to late" Sam said

Bus journey:
"What do you think will happen if I steal Jones's cereal bar?" Norman asks

"Ew, gross Norman" Sarah laughed

"She's asleep so I suggest you don't take it" James

"Spoilsport" the bus said

Norman took it and took a bite out of it before throwing it and it landed Into the bin.

"She's gonna go mental just you wait" James sighed

I woke up and brought my hand to my face only to bite my skin. "Who took my bar?" I demanded

"Told you" James said

"Norman took it?" I ask

James nods "Ugh just what I need" I yawned

James passes me his big bag of chocolate buttons.

"I just eat something at lunch James" I say as I push them back to him

"No there were yours" James laughed as he gives them to me

"There to say thank you for helping me later"

"I see," I start "These we're supposed to be given to me later right?"

He nods

"Thanks" I thank as I open the packet. I start eating them.

"Did you sleep at all last night Jones?" Sarah asks
I nod "Dad lost his key so we spent ages trying to find it"

"But by then it was gone Midnight" I add

"That's the trouble so where's Sam's key?" Mandy asks

"In Jupiter" I chuckle

"Where was your key then?" James asks

"In the house" I mutter tiredly eyes closing shut before James grabs the buttons and closes them and puts them in my school bag.

We pull up at the secoundary school and James makes sure my bag is closed and wakes me up before he gets off.

Then we head to my school. I get off after I say "Thanks" to Trevor

Trevor notices how tired I am "You look dead on your feet" he tells me

"I know" I say "Dad sent me in as I need to learn"

"You should've stayed at home" he tells me

"I have a nap at break" I say

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