Wednesday (rest off)

128 3 5

Time is now 6:30am.

Dad makes my lunch and puts it in my lunchbox and puts my flask of coffee in my bag before pouring me a cup of decaf coffee and making me an egg and sausage sandwich and he makes himself one.

After it's cooked I eat it and drink my decaf coffee. And pour myself a glass of orange juice before brushing my teeth and making sure I look presentable to go to school.

Sam looks and nods. "I think you need get ready for work dad and we can walk halfway before departing" I nod and he nods in return

He comes down around 8am. "Did you fall asleep upstairs" I joke

He shakes his head and checks if I've got the flask in my bag. After checking he does my bag up and he passes me a cereal bar and I catch it and put put it in my mouth after opening it and I chew it and we head out of the house after dad passes me my keys and he puts them in my bag.

We then walk out the house after Sam locks up the house we start to walk to the halfway point. We arrive at the half way point and we depart. "I see you later dad" I say

"See you later Jones" Sam says as we depart

Then I walk the rest of the way to the bus stop and I see Sarah and James already here with Charlie and Brownyn. "Mornin" I say tiredly

"Jones" Sarah and James shout as they see me. I cover my ears. "No shouting today thank you" I say

Charlie pulls me into a hug and then covers my ears. "You might need ear defenders" Charlie says as he sees me react badly to the noises of shouts and yells of the twins arguments.

"Text Sam and ask him to buy Jones some ear defenders as she needs them" Charlie says to his wife

Brownyn nods and she frowns and she texts Sam

"hey Sam it's Brownyn, Charlie told me to text you to tell you that you need to buy ear defenders for Jones, she is well reacting quite badly to the noise of  well everything"
A reply comes shortly after

"I'll buy some once I've come of duty she alright?"

"At the min Charlie's taken her around the corner so she's away from all the noise"

A reply comes a little later

"Ouch, can you or Charlie pick her up off the bus and look after her, we've got training all day and with the way Jones been reacting to noise recently I really don't want to risk it"

"Sure Sam, have fun training"

"I will Brownyn, I will and thanks for looking after Jones"

"It's alright Sam, now train"

"Yes mother"


"Ha ha"

Then the bus pulls up and Charlie comes back around the corner and she climbs on the bus. "Still reacting badly she is" Charlie said as he saw me cover my ears as everyone on the bus is arguing.

"Hold on" Charlie said as he got on and passed me my bag

"Thanks Charlie" I whisper eyes on the verge of tears

"Guys keep it down you hurting Jones's ears" Charlie says as he points at me

"Good look Trev you'll need it" Charlie says as he gets off

"Thanks Charlie, lets see how long that stops the arguments for"

"Hopefully long enough" Charlie says before Trevor closes the door and drives off

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