Tuesday all is well

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I wake up and I feel meh but i shrug it off and I get ready for school and then I wake dad up and dad jumps at the sudden noise. "Mornin" I snigger with my ear defenders on

Sam smirks as he gets up and places my badge on me as he saw me run out of the room laughing my head off. "I ain't living that down" Sam muttered tiredly as he saw his daughters phone. He didn't know her password "Jones" he asked

I walked in eyes closed "What?" I ask

"Come here and keep your eyes closed" he said and he grabbed my hand and used my thumb and my phone unlocked "Can I go now dad?" I ask

"Yes and watch where your going" Sam smiles

He gets rid of the miss call and text notifications the best he can. Then he unplugs it and walks out of his room after he gets ready for work. He walks downstairs my phone in hand and when he does he sees me on the floor. "You alright down there?" He asks

"I'm fine" I smile "I can't see the ceiling mind"
Sam reaches over and took my blanket off my head. "Now I can see" I smile "Thanks dad"

"Blanket need washing?" He asked

"You were gonna ask for me to bring it down anyway, the whole of my bed is down but I would like my blanket for tonight though.

Someone knocked on the door and Sam went to open it. "Morning sir" Sam said as he let Steele in

They walked into the kitchen. "Dad help" I say loudly

Once they've walked in they can see me stuck in the washing machine. "What on earth are you doing?" Sam asks laughing

"I'm stuck" I mutter "Get me out"

"Okay" Sam smiles as he as well as Steele helps gets me out.

"I can be on dishwasher from now o. I'm staying away from that" I say cross

"Cheer up and you do have some clean clothes for later" Sam says

I nod "Who do you think I am uncle?"

"No but you can be very forgetful" Sam says

"I go and double check anyway" I say as I grab my lunchbox

Sam places my blanket in the wash. "Bed stuff?" Steele asked

Sam nodded "Problem with her is she won't sleep with any other duvet" Sam whispers

"Oh" Steele says "I can dry it if you want"

"Thanks sir" Sam says as I walk in bag in tow.

"I have got extra clothes dad" I smile "And I've packed my lunch"

"Good, well we better get you to the bus stop" Sam says as he hands me my phone which I hand back to him so he puts it back in my bag.

"Bye sir" I chorused

"I see you later" Steele whisper

"See ya" I smile as we walk out

Then on the way to the bus we meet up with
Mandy and Hannah. "Heya" I say

"Hey Jones" they smile back

I walk faster to catch them up then I fall over but get myself up. Sam doesn't see me fall over as he's talking to Helen. "So how's Jones then?" Helen asks

"She's fine, I just wonder where she's gets her energy from" Sam chided

We arrive at the bus stop and I place my bag down at someone's feet "Sorry uncle" I say as I look up and see him and jump around like a lunatic. "Hello Sam, feed Jones sugar again?" Charlie chuckled

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