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I wake up and I sigh as I take off my badge and get dressed and put my badge on. I creep downstairs and I go towards my bag. I check the time on my phone once I've gotten it. It reads 2:45am.

I shouldn't be awake but I am. I go back to my bedroom get changed back into pjs and take my badge off before goung loo and plugging in my phone. I see a text from Zara on my phone it reads "I know it's only like 2am but I just heard of Annabell that you ran into a burning building you and Mallory are alright as we can't get hold of either both of you in the Snapchat group chat"

I sigh and smile slightly. I text back. "I'm fine, Mallory seems fine, she's probably knackered Zara. Got to go I'm wanna be wide awake for tomorrow not like a zombie"

"Yeah Annabell told me about that Jones, night"


After that I sneak out of my bedroom door and head towards my dads. I crawl onto the bed and I just watch him breathe in and out until he starts shaking. I nearly scream. I jump down and turn on the light and I see my dad sit bolt upright and he screams so loud that I cover my ears.

"Jones?" Sam asks shocked to see me

"Sorry, I woke up found out the time was 2:45am and cake and watch you until I realise you were having a nightmare" I say softly as I get back onto his bed and cuddle him.

"You need a break dad"

"Can't" he says

"Dad" I say sternly as I cross my arms and he just laugh

"You look like Steele" he says

"Oh shall I call him here then?" I tease

Sam shakes his head tiredly "Go back to bed Jones" Sam says

"why dad, what if you have enough nightmare?" I ask my eyes blinking already in fatigue

"I make you a deal" Sam says and I just look at him eyes wide

"Yes dad" I say

"I tell you what my nightmare is about if you promise you go back bed to sleep?" Sam says

I nod wearily as Sam helps me back up onto the bed and my head rests on his shoulder.

"It was about you" Sam starts but then he stops when he hears soft snores. He lifts me up and place me back in my bed before Sam goes back to bed.

When I re wake it's around 8:30am. I get dressed, brush my hair and out my badge on before I make my way downstairs and I can see James just standing in my living room. "Shoes" Sam shouts

I nod and I go back to my shoes on and grab my phone and see a text from Zara "hope ur okay"

"I'm fine, can't wait for you to come back to school"

"Me to"

"Miss you Zara"

"Miss you to Jones, got to go"

"So have I, talk later?"

"Sure, bye"


And he'll breaks loose and I fall down the stairs but I catch myself by grabbing the banister and I walk down and take my phone of James.

"Thanks" I say

Sam and Sarah walk into the hall "What happen here we thought we heard a bang" Sarah says

"Your imanging things" I laugh weakly

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