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The curtains have opened and the show is going great but the pain keeps coming and going

The dancing and singing and James being late to our bit in the song has distracted me just enough. I can see Sarah, Brownyn, Charlie, Dad and Steele in the audience in the front row as well.

This was when all hell broke loose. The came I was using snapped in three pieces leaving two pieces of glass in my hand and it hurt to move my fingers. Just hurt. At least that pain was now distracting me from the pain in my stomach

The song finishes so I run off stage in pain and two people come up to me so and they carefully pull out the glass as it isn't deep but I can't move my fingers so they bandage them and I go back on stage to do the next song but come off when it's too much pain and my stomach isn't helping me either. "It's too much to bare" I whisper "My hand hurts too much" they nod "get my dad please"

They nod and they leave me there with a teacher while they go and get my dad. They see a red head man and ask him "Hey are you Jones's dad?"

Sam eyes widen "Yes I am what's wrong?"

"You might want to follow us" the teacher said and Sam followed the teacher to where I was. I was now sitting on the floor, just in pain.

"Jones?" Sam asks

I look up and see my dad "Dad?"

I accept his hand up. I show him my hand and he grimaced. "What happen to her hand?" Sam asked

"Jones has told me it was due to her prop breaking and that's what we think to as we pulled two pieces of glass out of her hand" the teacher says "But she can't open up some of her fingers and she says she's in quite a lot of pain"

Sam nodded "I take her to the hospital now"
Sam then lead me out of the room and he went over to where Steele was and whispered "Sir can you get Charlie for me, i need to take Jones to the hospital"

Steele nodded and tapped Brownyn on the shoulder "Sam wants Charlie to take him and Jones up the hospital"

Charlie gets the message and gets up and then Sam whispers to Steele "Could you take Brownyn and the twins home for Charlie?"

Steele nodded and then me, Sam and Charlie were heading for the car.

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