Sunday 😁

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I wake up and I see a ginger haired man just still fast asleep. I crack a small smile and tears come out of my eyes. "Dad" I smile wide

Harry walks in with my breakfast and I point to my dad. Harry nods and carefully moves my bed up without disturbing dad and moves my breakfast to the over side of the bed to not wake him up.

"Time?" I ask

"9am" Harry replied

I nodded and tucked into my coco pops and I'm on my fifth spoonful when I see some movement out of the corner of my eyes. "Dad you awake?" I say

Sam head pops up "Morning sleepyhead" I tease
Sam just looks at me and I can tell he's been crying

"Coco pops?" I ask as I offer him the spoon

Sam declines "don't say I didn't offer" I say as I eat my cereal and then drink my orange juice.

"You need to eat and drink farther" I say as I press the call button and Harry walks in

"Yes Jones?" He asks

I move my head in dads direction and Harry automatically knows "And anthour bowl of coco pops if you could be so kind and some water?"

"Sure, his norm?" Harry asked

I nod then Harry leaves and shortly arrives with a bowl of coco pops and some water to me and a bowl of porridge and some coffee for dad.

"Diloch" I say to Harry

"Croeso" Harry says as he leaves

"Eat up dad" I say as I start to eat my coco pops. But i see my dad push the porridge away so I let go of my spoon and place it on the table as I grab dads bowl and use the spoon which is in the bowl and grab a good mouthful on it

"Do I have to feed you dad?" I ask

Sam just looks at me

"I said do I have to feed you" I say "in Welsh it's oes rhaid I mi eich bwydo"

Sam just stares at me and I inch the spoon closer to his face "I will not have you hospitalised by not eating Samuel Peyton Jones" I say sternly "In Welsh that's Ni wnaf ydych chi wedi mynd i'r ysbyty trwy beidio â bwyta Samuel Peyton Jones"

Harry walks back in "Just eat it Sam"

Sam takes the spoon of me and eats it as I pick my own spoon up and eat my own well watching him "I'm watching you dad" and then I've ate my secound bowl and I'm now drinking water. "I need to pee but Harry watch him will you"

I slip off and then go loo. Sam continues eating and he also drinks his coffee. When I come back Sam pushes away his dishes so I get back onto the bed and demand to look at the bowl and cup. I nod then Harry takes the tray away.

"Your not eating enough dad" i say "that's how you make yourself ill"

"You should be focus on getting better Jones" he says

"No dad" comes my reply "I'm fine, my appendix has been removed so now my concern is on you"

He goes to speak so I put my hand in front of his face. "And dad, I know you've not been eating well, not been drinking well, you paying for the shed as well as me, and working way to much, not sleeping enough and being so rowdy you fighted with your best friend" I start "And if you weren't in the hidden cave you know how much I would of missed you?, your lucky I remembered the cave dad, you could've gone out to sea and maybe not return or anything as you don't think probably when your SUPER DUPER MAD and please don't tell me I need to translate that to welsh for you to understand"

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