Part 2

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General POV

Jay arrives at Haileys apartment, a sicky feeling migles in his stomach. Something feels off to him, it always has done when it comes to Hailey, but something about today feels different. Alot more off and unpleasant. He knocks on the door in the beat they have for each other, one special to know if its either one of them at each others door or not. "Hails" Jay calls through the door, the horrible aroma in the building filling his nose. Not once has Jay been to this apartment so he's slightly confused to why this one today. "Hails" Jay tries again, the sicky feeling in his stomach becoming one of fear. After a few mintues of not replying, Jay barges the flimsy door down with one forcefull kick. He stops for a second to take in the awful sight of inside the apartment; broken walls, holey floor boards and dark mold decorates the small aprtment. A torn sofa and ripped rug also adds to the lack of decorations. "Hails" Jay says, jumping out of his daze of staring at her apartment. He makes his way into the only other room and stops in pure terror. He sees Hailey lying on the floor face down, blood dying the floor and her dirty blond hair, next to a Nate whos fast asleep on the only desent looking thing in the aparment. "Oh my God Hailey" He gasps, running over to flip her body around. "Hails wake up, its Jay" Jay shakes Haileys body, a small groan escapes her bust lips. "I've got you, im taking you to med" Jay assures Hailey, sitting her up against him. "No, Jay, I dont want to go" Hailey argues, looking over to a passed out Nate. Haileys hazely looks into Jays eyes, her eyes begging in fear to not take her to med or wake Nate up. Jay sees the complete fear Hailey is stricken with, he knows she'd to the same if he asked her not to say anything so he respects her wishes. "Okay, atleast let me clean your head up" Jay compromises, an argument with Hailey wether she's ill or not never ends well for Jay. "Just not here" Hailey groans, her consciousness still very foggy. "Ill take you to mine, tell Voight we have a situation. You need help getting dressed?" Jay asks. The only thing Haileys wearing is underwear. Her jumper never made it over her head, catapalting across the room when she fell and her jeans laying on her dresser still. "Yeh" Hailey blushes embarrassed, still to dizzy to bend down that far. "Okay" Jay casually grabs Haileys jeans, carefully slipping them up her twig like legs. Jays completely boggled to how Hailey manages to run for as long as she does, her malnourishment worrying Jay. "Thanks Jay" Hailey smiles once Jays slipped her jumper over her head. "No worries, we need to talk though" Jay says, making it clear to Hailey she doesn't have a choice. Hailey nodds, reaching out for Jays help up off the floor. "How havent we woken him?" Jay asks Hailey, his mind puzzled to how Nate didn't even stur a little. "Probaly took something" Hailey replies, sliding her feet into her, thankfully easy, slip on snow boots. Jay doesnt say anything, instead he links his arm with hers and guides her out of her apartment.

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