Part 4

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General POV

Jay and Hailey make there way up the stairs to the pullpen. The noise all of them are creating is crazy, echoing off all the walls. Kims high-pitched laugh standing out the most. "Ayyy, they've arrived" Antonio cheers, seeing the two partners make there way to the last set of stairs. "Jay, Hailey, my office" Hank barks sending the fear of God up there backs. As Jay and Hailey wander over the Hanks office, the team notice the back of Haileys head all stitched up. "You know?" Adam questions looking over to Haileys best friend, Kim, to see if she knows whats happened. "No clue" Kim shurggs, just as confused as the others.

In Hanks office, Jay and Hailey stand to attention practically. The three of them stare at each other, waiting for one of them to start the conversation. "What happened?" Hank asks, looking between Hailey and Jay for some sort of explanation other than 'we are going to be late'. "I slipped getting out the shower this morning- gashed the back of my head. I'm okay though, just a stitch or two needed" Hailey explains, crossing her fingers that Hank believes her. "Jay?" Hank raises his eyebrows, looking for agreement from Jay about the exuse. "Yep" Jay simply nodds, knowing if he said anything else Hank would definitely think both are lying since he's a crap liar. "Alright, go" Voight dismisses them both, not believing a single word to why the back of Haileys head is stitched up, letting them go anyway.

All eyes are on Jay and Hailey when they come out the office. All of them silently asking for an explanation to Haileys state. Ingoring them, Jay and Hailey proceed to start on paper work as there is no case. "Hailey, your head" Kevin impatiently speaks up, looking to both Jay and Hailey for an answer. "I fell out the shower this morning. Jay helped me stitch up" Hailey shortly replies, keeping her head down to the desk. Her heart racing out of anxiousness with being asked the dreaded question, face going all dewy and hand shaking. "You feeling okay?" Kim walks over to Haileys desk, lifting her hand up to feel Haileys head, resulting in Hailey flinching out of reaction. "Whoa Hailey, I was just going to feel your temperature" Kim assures, completely taken aback by Haileys odd behaviour. "Yeh and sorry, you just made me jump" Hailey apologieses, holding her breath for some odd reason. "You dont look it and arent acting it" Adam points out, at the same time picking up on Jays non-suprised reaction. "Yeh I'm sure, honestly" Hailey unconvincingly smiles, mentally persuading herself that she is okay and doesn't feel like she's about to drop like a rock. "If thats your story" Al mutters under his breath, hoping his comment will stop all the attention being on Hailey. "Um, coffee anyone?" Jay asks, hoping Hailey will follow him into the breakroom if anyone says yes. "Please" Everyone replies, much to Jays dispare but also advantage since he'll get more time to ask Hailey questions. "K" Jay nodds, un-obviously glaring at Hailey to follow him, to which she does.

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