Part 46

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General POV

Jay and his partner- Marley- head straight for Janas classroom. They open the door slowly and sees Jana sitting on a chair, with a gun to her head. "JAY!" Jana cries out, wincing when the masked man presses the gun harder agaisnt her face. "Jana, just stay still" Jay orders, surrendering his gun and laying it on the floor, to try and ease the masked persons feeling of threat. "I'm Detective Jay and this is Officer Marley. Can you please let Jana go" Jay stands to the side, so that the person can see Marley. "What's your name? Please remove your mask!" Marleys cacophonus voice sends shivers up everyones back, her voice sounding like it belongs in someone elses body. "My name is Aaron, I will not remove my mask. You took my brother, now I will take someone who means alot to you" Aaron replies, cooperating slightly which shows his nervousness. "Who is your brother?" Jay asks, racking his mind for perps he has locked away who had a brother. "Look, we can talk about this. Just let Jana and the rest of the class go. You are already going down for wounding several other students and running around a school with a gun. Never mind holding a child at gunpoint. Make your life a little easier, and let the class go" Jay attempts to convince Aaron to let them all go, slowly walking closer to where the children and teacher are crouching. "STOP! Marely, take the class out. I'm keeping Jay and Jana though" Aaron gives in slightly, much to Jays relief...kind of. Him and Jana are still in danger, but it's less possible victims than there could be if the class stayed. "No" Marley delines, not leaving Jay and Jana on their own with a crazy-ass man. "Marley, take them. I'm okay" Jay says, not leaving his desicion up for debate. "Everyone, listen up. Everyone form a single file line behind your teacher, hold onto the persons hand who is infront and behind you. Officer Marley is going to lead you out to where my partner will be" Jay explains calmly, letting Aaron know even though he is doing what he wished, he is still the officer in control. The kids form a line and are off out the classroom in the matter of seconds, leaving just Jay and Jana with Aaron.


Hailey strides back and forth between the S.W.A.T van and Voights car, persistently running her fingers through her long tangled locks. What has only been twenty minutes since Jay and the team went in, feels like twenty hours. All the classes are out and behind the yellow tape safe, all except Janas class and Jay. Thankfully for Haileys minds sake, she sees the class single filely make their way out the building. The intelligence team and S.W.A.T team, guard them as they walk over to where Hailey is. "Oh my God, where is Jana and Jay?" Hailey asks, completely loosing her mind now Janas class are out, but her and Jay aren't. "Aaron, the gunman, let the other kids go as long as he kept Jay and Jana" Janas class teacher explains, all flustered and shaken up from the close call. "Why the hell are you all out here? Jay and Jana are still inside, with no backup!" Hailey loses her cool, yelling to everyone around her. "Hailey, calm down. The stress isn't good for you nor the baby. We know that the man is a brother to someone Jay locked up. He told us- I quote- "you took my brother, now I'm taking someone who means alot to you"". Kim tries to calm Hailey, taking deap and steady breathes for her to copy. "Aaron!" Hailey exlaims in pure panic, she knows exaclty who is keeping Jana and Jay hostage. "That's Nates younger brother. He is going to kill them both, you gotta rescue them" Hailey begins the tear up, falling into Kims tight hold. The team look to each and without saying anything, they know exaclty what's running through everyones mind. "We go in there, three chances for him to back down and if not take a shot. Only and if only take a shot if it won't hurt Jana" Al instructs, wafting his arm for everyone to get moving and rescue two of their own.


For fifteen mintues now, Jay has been trying to get Jana free. Listening carefully to everything Aaron says, Jay finally clasps on to who he is talking about....which isn't making him feel any better. "Nate was a great brother and you locked him up for no reason" Aaron becomes more and more agitated and the words no reason boils Jays blood. "Aaron, do you know why he is locked up?" Jay asks, unsure if Aaron knows the real reason. "Yeh, but it wasn't his fault. Hailey pushed him over the edge" Aaron replies, tears running down his sweaty face. "He abused her, man. He put her in a nine day coma, she was dancing with death" Jay says, stuggling to get words out with his emotions tickling his last never. Janas eyes pop wider, shocked at the new news she has just been told about Hailey. All the flinching and nervousness with yelling, finally makes sense. Yes, she knew her childhood was terrible, but it never crossed her mind about her having it rough in adult life. "He....he...." The piercing sound of bullets and smashing glass, interupts Aaron and he falls to the floor. Jana jumps off the chair, and runs to her older brother in hysterical tears. "It's okay, I got you J" Jay comforts his younger sister, wrapping her suffocationally tightly in his big, muscular arms. "Ya'll right" Voights bark echoes the room, bouncing from wall to wall. "Yeh" Jay whispers, standing up awkwardly with Jana in his arms still. "Is Jana okay? Any physical injuries?" Kevin checks Janas face, removing wet bits of hair that is stuck to her fairly small face. "I'm fine" Jana cries, hiding her face from Kevin. "Hailey told us who he was, figured you might need a quick escape. She is out there worried sick" Adam half smiles, trying to make a tinsy bit of light out of it all. "Yeh, thanks" Jay nodds, way more shaken up than he normally would be after a situation like this. "Lets get outta here" Antonio says, leading the team out of the building and to a distraught Hailey.

Hailey sees the team, alongside Jana and Jay. She runs up to them so quickly and jumps on Jay practically, in tears of relief. The thought of anything bad happening to the two most important people in her life, terrifies her. She may only have known Jana for three days, but she is becoming more and more like her own child everyday. "You both alright" Hailey asks, checking a shaken Jana out. "Yeh, we are okay" Jay says, breathing in the beautiful smell of Haileys lavender perfum. "I'm so sorry, I almost got Jana and you killed, along with a school of innocent children" Hailey stutters, taking Jana out of Jays arms. The death grip Jana has on Jay, parts for a second, but as soon as she is in Haileys arms it forms rapidly again. "Don't start blaming yourself" Jay replies, hoping this unfortunate event doesn't set Haileys recovery process back a step or three. "Jay, three kids have been injured physically and that isn't even counting the mental trauma the kids are going to suffer from" Hailey starts to cry, bobbing side to side to try and calm herself, gripping onto Jana securely. "Hey, come on you three. Go to the hospital and get checked out; not up for debate" Voight instructs, practically hurding the small family to Haileys car. Before they climb into Jays truck, the team all show there relife to Jana and Jay that they are okay.

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