Part 47

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General POV

One month later, the small family of three- plus a newly formed baby bump- are getting ready for a netball match Jana has in a couple of hours. Voight has made sure that the whole entire unit are off, so they can join Hailey and Jay watching Jana play. One thing about the team, is that family goes with family for any big event and that includes netball matches. Especially when it's Janas first one after being taken in my Hailey and Jay. "JJ" Hailey shouts from the kitchen into Janas room, wanting her help with making the picnic. "Yeh?" Jana hops out her room, struggling to get her last sock on at the same time. "Chop the tomatoes up, please" Hailey says, chucking her a bag of large tomatoes. Jana catches the tomatoes and lays them down on a chopping board, at her side of the kitchen island. "You know, ya'll don't have to come watch me" Jana says, slicing through the tomatoes and sending juice flying everywhere. "You're going to have to get used to it. The unit goes to every event together. Always" Jay replies, playfully tugging on Janas ponytail, as he walks to the other side of the kitchen. "Hey, can I help with anything?" Jay asks Hailey, bending down to the level of Haileys baby bump and kissing it gently. "We got: Tomatoes, strawberries, sandwiches and biscuits. No, we are good thankyou" Hailey answers, audiobly checking they have everything they need. "Okay" Jay smiles, sitting down on a island stool. "Are you sure you're ready to go back into the hall? You know, after the whole ordeal" Hailey asks Jana, who is still stuggling after the whole Aaron fiasco. "Yeh, I'm fine Hailey. The hall is my classroom for half the week, and I've been back to school since" Jana replies, chucking the empty tomato sack back to Hailey. "Any boys we need to watch out for?" Jay teases, partly serious, but enjoying winding his younger sister up. Janas pale face, gets over taken by a crimson colour and she can feel herself burning up more by the second. "Jana Maria Halstead, you are ten years old and already jumping between boys!" Hailey pretends to be very serious, not minding the mature ten year old having a boy friend, playing along with Jay. "Which boy? He better watch is back, the intelligence unit is after him. Don't lie either, we will figure out quickly" Jay rests his chin on his crunched up fist, indicating he is listening and not budging until she spills. "Leave the poor child alone. I don't see the issue, as long as she doesn't come home pregant one day" Hailey humorously discardes the issue, hoping Jay will follow her lead. "Speak" Jay takes no notice of his girlfriend and continues to insist on Jana spilling. "He's in my class, and is on the basketball team. He isn't a male version of a female dog, don't worry. He is really funny and kind" Jana rolls her eyes, but soon turns all doe-eyed over the mysterious boy. "He sounds like a great guy, Jana" Hailey smiles, packing all the food and drinks into a cooler bag. "If you come back crying because of this boy, I'll give Voight full permission to take him on a drive" Jay informs, shooting a peeved look to Hailey for being all blasè about it. "Lets go, before my nephew ends up being born to separated parents" Jana jumps down from her stool and slides across the wooden lamenet floor, to put her white gym trainers on. "You are going to freeze in those clothes on the way" Hailey points out, looking Janas netball uniform up and down. Janas uniform consists of: A royal blue skort- that just covers- with a red stripe down each side, a tight blue crop top, with a yellow bear appliquéd in the middle, finished off with white ankle socks and a hairbobble with a yellow ribbon sewn to it. "Chill, I'll be alright" Jana accedentally gives Hailey a little attitude and quickly turns to Jay for his reaction, a slight pinch of fear making her heart palputate at an increasing pace. "What?" Jay asks, puzzled to why his younger at him with fear painted across her face. "You aren't mad?" Jana replies, cautiously standing up off the floor and being careful to not make any abrupt movements. "You scared because you accedentally gave off a little attitude?" Jay starts, looking across to Hailey in bewilderement. Jana nods and wanders over to Hailey, her natural reaction since being a child is that the 'motherly' figure, will always be the 'protector'. "Jana, Jay isn't going to hurt you. Jay isn't going to hurt you, nor would he ever" Hailey assures the ten year old, that is clinging onto her side. The fact that Jana has fear to Jay, breaks his heart and sends his thoughts down the spiral Hank and Hailey dragged him out of a while back. With Jana, unless she can get over it- or learn to deal with it- Jay will always have part of his Father that makes him second guess himself. "I'm sorry" Jana plodds over to her older brother and gives him an apologetic hug. Jay returns Janas hug and looks over to Hailey, both of them giving each other what are we going to do look. "Don't worry about it. I get it. Lets go before you are late" Jay ruffles Janas pony tail up and Jana lets out a chuckle, as she runs to the door and unlocks it. "Go, Jana, Go, Jana" Hailey chants, linking her spare arm with Jays and following the short ten-year-old out the apartment.


The whole unit cheer Janas name once she has the ball in hand. One minute left on the clock and Halstead number three is the only chance left for them to win, down by one point and any shot she makes will qualify them for the semi's. "JANA GO" Jay yells, grabbing hold of Haileys sticky hands- due to exitment- in apprehence to if his little sister will make the shot or not. "JJ" Hailey encourages, calling Jana by the nickname she has given her. Just as she has the ball in the right angle the clock hits two seconds and she scores, the ball goes through clean. The whole of intelligence and the crowd jump for joy and Jay cathes an over exited Hailey in his arms, spinning her around in celebration. "Man, she got her shots from you bro" Kevin says to Jay, impressed with Janas skills, ones Kevin has seen from Jay. "What can I say. She lacks the height, so she has to make up with something great from the Halstead side" Jay smugly replies, plonking Hailey back down on the floor. "Jana's amazing!" Kim grinned, stepping onto the bench so she can be seen over Adam and Kevin. Before anyone can reply, Jana runs up to the team insainly fast and attacks Jay and Hailey into a group hug. "Girl, you were amazing!" Voights grough tone breaks, as a small hint of softenss breaks through. The whole team, plus Hailey and Jay, agree in several ways; from a nodd, to a yes etc. "Thanks, guys" Jana smiles, still huffing and puffing from all the running around. "Mollys?" Jay suggests, in the celebrationay mood. "Dude, your sister is ten" Antonio chuckles, flicking Jay on the ear. "She can have juice or coke. Hermann, Kidd, or Otis will definitely let her in" Jay replies, starting to walk out of the stands so they can get out the noisy crowd. "Yeh, okay" Hailey nodds, looking to everyone else to see if they are tagging along or not. "Absolutely then" Alvin makes everyone laugh a little, never ever has anyone heard the man be so expressive in their life. "If Al is this enthusiastic, then we have to go" Platt says, ushing for everyone to keep moving- all of them almost tripping over each others feet. "I love our growing family" Hailey smiles up to Jay, watching Jana laugh and joke around with the unit. "Yeh, me too" Jay takes Haileys hand into his and squeezes it tightly. "Five months and baby boy Upton will be driving us insane" Jay reminds Hailey. "Upton-Halstead. No matter what, aslong as you want it, you are this babies dad" Hailey makes Jays heart skip about six beats, not sure what to say, Jay bends down and kisses Hailey on the cheek.

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