Part 43

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General POV

The detectives take a seat opposite Jana. Her body language and expressions are very observant- watching every single molecule move Hailey and Jay make. "Hey, this is Hailey and I am Jay- which you already now" Jay introduces him and Hailey to Jana, kicking himslef at the silly comment he made. "Yeh, I know who you are" Jana glares, her attitude winding Hailey up the wall. "Mouth" Hailey glares back at Jana, taking a deep disliking to the ten year old already. "Look, I know you probaly hate me right now and probaly will carry onto too in the future, but I'm your only hope in not ending up in the system" Jay says, explaining the sticky situation his younger sister is in. Jana looks to Hailey, then the wall full of posters. Not saying a word, just examining the various posters again. "Jana, you don't want to end up in the system" Hailey says, attempting to figure out what is playing through the young girls mind. "I...I ended up in the system for a few weeks when I was younger" Jay abruptly turns his head to fully face Hailey, still realising he has no idea who this woman is and how much aloof she is about herself. "My dad, he..gave me a few bruises, I completely forgot and took my jumper off at in class. My lies didn't match up and you can tell the rest. Three weeks of anger management class, and I was back with my dad. The system is terrible, you don't want to grow up in it. Jay is an amazing guy, and doesn't have a bad bone in his body" Hailey reveals a new chapter of her life to Jay, in a bid to rescue his sister from getting trapped and to start liking Jay. "My dad isn't like that, he's nice and has never layed a hand on me. I don't know why I'm being taken off him" Jana says, her attitude becoming very evident it is just a cover to hide her emotions. Something she has definitely got from the Halstead side. "Jana, your dad isn't a nice person. He has to go to jail for a long time. He recruited young girls to help pass drugs along" Jay explains the reason in child friendly way, well as much as it can be. "Our Dad" Jana scowles, nothing but hate for her older brother is showing brightly. "Look, if I have to go and live with one of you, can it be Hailey?" Jana asks, taking a liking to Hailey, not knowing about Hailey and Jays relationship. "Sweetie, Jay and I live together. Your brother and I are together" Hailey says, turning Janas opinion on her upside down completely. "Jana, this sounds stupid, but why do you hate me so much?" Jay asks, pleading almost for an explanation. "You left me and so did Will. My Mum left me when I was eight too, Dad isn't a nice man. You could have helped!" Jana cracks, tears stream down her small and snow colour paleted face. Her eyes becoming poofy and bloodshot. Hailey and Jay look to each other lost, then look back to Jana. "Jana, I didn't know about you and neither did Will. If I knew, I would have helped. I know the hell he put you through, I had it as a child too" Jay says, crossing his toes that his reasons shines alight for Jana and she changes her view. "Really?" Jana sits up in her chair, intergued to what else Jay has to say. "Yes. Will and I, we got it all. Will was more of Dads golden boy, he went 'further' in life" Jay says, pressing his hand on Haileys thigh for support. "I'm sorry" Jana apologieses sincerely, changing her opinion on Jay now she knows more of the facts and in actual fact, Jay nor Will abandoned her. "So, will you come home and myself and Jay?" Hailey smiles, seeing the scared child within the brattiness. "Okay. Just, when the baby comes, can we not share a room?" Jana chuckles, wiping her tears away. "How do you know?" All the muscles in Jays face retracts in shock and so does Haileys, how on earth does she know? "Hailey has the glow" Jana replies, fixing her ponytail. "My mum had it before she left dad and I" Jana finishes, spilling more than Jay barganed for. "Your mum's pregant with our dads child?" Jay asks, jumping forward in his seat in suprisement. "No, that is why she left. Her and her boyfriend, went back to England. Dad went totally ape, yelling and shouting until godly hours in the night. It was quite funny to be honest" Jana chuckles, mind-blowingly finding the situation humerous. The situation as a collection muddles the two detectives minds. They all sit in silence, non of them having a clue what to say. "We will be back soon" Hailey pulls on Jays top, wanting him to follow her into the bullpen.

The two get the team surrounding them, wanting to see how much they know about Jana and her home situation. They discuss the different things that have happened between Jana, her mother and father. "Classic dad, screwing others over to get what he wants" Jay snaps, slamming his hand on Kevins desk and knocking a pencil stand over with the vibrations. "Jay, chill" Al warningly tells, placing his hand on Jays arm. "No, I won't. Her breaks two people up, who are more than happy together. Gets the lass pregant, makes her and her childs life hell and pushes her so far, she goes off with another guy, gets pregant and does a runner" Jay rambles, his face getting continuously red with anger. Hank looks to Hailey, wanting her to take him and Jana home before he explodes. "Jay, come on. Lets go back home and get Jana sorted out. Nobody needs you blowing up" Hailey says, tugging on Jays arm and waving for Jana to come out the breakroom at the same time. "One more thing. How long is Matt looking at?" Jay asks, on the brink of tears. "Ten to fifteen years" Antonio replies, taking all the case work down off the board. "That's how long my dad is going away for?" A heartbroken voice speaks up from behind Hailey and Jay. "Yeh kiddo" Kim sadly smiles. "He deserves it. Can we go now?" Jana changes the topic instantly, wanting out the distric and never see the place again. "Yeh, come on" Hailey nodds, taking Janas hand in one hand and Jays in her spare one. "Bye guys" Hailey smiles, before they start walking down the stairs. "Bye and congratulations again both, you will make amazing parents to the little bean" Kevin replies.

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