Part 42

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General POV

Natalie waits for her brother-in-law and his girlfriend outside the maternity ward. Just seconds after she arrives herself, Jay and Hailey appear from around the corner. "Hey guys" Natalie waves, emmidiatly scanning her badge to open the wards door. She they and opens a door to the room covered in monitors, various different posters to do with pregnancy and mother hood- all of which is instantly frightens Hailey and Jay. "Alright, Hailey, can you lay on the bed and raise your top up please" Natalie smiles, her natural voice soothing tone calms Jay and Hailey almsot emmidiatly. The cool gell on Haileys stomach makes her wince a little, causing Natalie and Jay to let off a small smirk. "Sorry, it's just cold" Hailey apologises, totally embarrassed. "It's normal. If I got a dollar for every a mum winced, I would be a millionaire" Natalie brushes it off, making Hailey feel a little less embarresed. "You already are" Jay says, in a tone of stop talking rubbish. "Fine, billionaire" Natalie rolls her eyes, gliding the scan remote over Haileys stomach. Silence and tension fills the room, anticipation to see if the baby is okay. "Congratulations, you have one healthy baby. It's a damn mirical it's so healthy, after the blows it has taken" Natalie says, blown away with what a mirical of a baby Hailey is carrying. "It's an Upton, it is a fighter" Jay comments, sliding a loving comment into the ring. "Definitely, mom and baby" Natalie agrees, fiddling around with the screen. "Is something wrong?" Hailey asks, on edge becuase of all the fiddling that doesn't seem necessary. "Because you are close to four months, there is a chance you can find out the gender. I'm just fiddling to see if I can tell, before I give ya'll the option" Natalie says. Hailey and Jay look to each other in exitment, reading each others mind- again- that they would like to know the gender if Natalie can find it. She turns a nobble clockwise, letting a steady heartbeat wave through the room. "That's the healthy hearbeat of your fighter of a baby boy" Natalie smiles, turning around to see Hailey and Jay in tears, hugging each other tightly. "We are having a boy" Hailey cries, examinin the screen that Natalie has rolled closer. "Congratulations again, he is going to be incredibly lucky!" Natalie smiles, blinking her eyes rapidly to trap the tears in her eyes and walks out the door to collect a scan picture. "I love you" Jay cries, kissing Hailey on the top of her head. "I love you more" Hailey begs to differ, head over heals for Jay. "Can we go to work after this and show the picture off and tell them we are having a baby boy?" Hailey adds, wanting to share the happiest news she has ever been given with anyone and everyone. "Definitely!" Jay nodds with exitment, feeling so much love for the unborn baby already. "Sorry to interupt, I just wanted to give you this and tell you that you are free to depart" Natalie hands Hailey a scan and hugs them both quickly, before re-exeting the room. "Thanks Nat" Jay waves.


Hailey and Jay arrive at the district, doing a hop, skip and jump up the front steps. Holding each others hands, Jay opens the door and attempts to multitask, by holding it open for Hailey and keeping a tight grip of her hand. "Babe, I think you should leave the multitasking to me" Hailey raises her brows, taking over the door holding for a struggling Jay. "I have you know, some men are amazing at multitasking. Some way better than women" Jay says seriously, walking ahead to open the second for Hailey. "The men who work at Blackpool boulevard don't count babe" Hailey smirks, mentally reminicing back to the time all the team had a case in Blackpool, England and they ended up having a front row view of a Blackpool drag show specialilty. "Did you see what they were wearing" Jay tilts his head forward and raises his brows, trying to get a point across. "Yes, but still guys" Hailey sticks to her guns, not letting Jay win this argument at all. "Yo, upstead, over here now" Platt bellows, puzzled to why they are at the district when they aren't ment to be. "Did you just say upstead?" Jay questions, just when Platt shouldn't be able to get anymore bizzar she does. "Yeh I did, you argued you're fired. What you doing here?" Platt questions, looking between the couple for an answer. "Follow us up and you'll see" Hailey grins, dragging Jay off to the stairs. Platt practically jumps over the desk and eagerly runs after the couple.

Hailey and Jay walk in to a butting heads between Antonio and Ruzak- nothing unusual just the two of them thought they couldn't row over anything else. "WHAT ON EARTH" Platt yells, muting the room there and then. All heads turn to the stairs so quickly, some of them might even have whiplash. "What you both doing here?" Antonio furrows his brows, turning the attention to Hailey and Jay, in a hope to avoid getting into trouble. "Ugh, probaly not the best timing" Hailey says, shuffling backwards in hope the floor opens up beneath her. Her body insides curling up with fear, automatic reflexes her mind has set over the years. "No, we could use some good news right about is good news" Kevin says, pausing in his tracks. "Yeh, yes it is" Jay verifies, leaving the team all in suspense of what the good news is. "Go on then" Kim encourages, literally sitting on the edge of her seat. "Myself and Jay have just been to Med for a scan. Because of how close I am to four months, Natalie could tell the gender" Hailey starts, elbowing Jay to carry on. "It's a boy" Jay cheers and the room starts jumping up and down in happiness and exitment, all of them gathering to form a group. "That's awesome!" Kim exlaims, crying with happiness for the couple. "Yeh, congratulations both" Platt adds, trying her hardest not to cry and break her reputation. "Thanks guys" Jay says, truly exited and happy.

The breakroom door clicks open, switching everyone's attention from the happy news to the door. A tween looking girl stands there, staring at Jay sternly, trying to sus up if it's the mysterious Jay she has been told about all her life. "Ya'll right" Jay gets uncomfortable with the stairing he is receiving from the young girl. "Halstead?" The girl whispers, confusing Jay even more. "Jana, go sit back down, I'll come in a sec" Kim orders to the young girl and watching the girl walk backwards into the room- still keeping her eyes on Jay. "What the hell was that?" A completely uneased Jay says, looking to anyone for some explanation to the odd behavior. "Um, she is your fathers daughter" Voight responds, not bothering to beat around the bush on this occasion. "I'm sorry, what?" Jay gulps, boggled to his father having another child. "She is your father's child...your younger sister. She is ten years old, her mom is in the wind" Kim eluducates for Jay, who is standing like a deer in headlights. ", does...does Will have any idea about her?" Jay checks, obliviously grabbing hold of Haileys arm super tightly. "Yeh, and he can't take her on. You and Upton are the only chance she has of not ending up in the ugly turmoil of the foster system" Al answers, taking a casual bite of his banana. "Wow, Hailey...." Jay goes to Hailey right away, wanting her thoughts on what he should do. After all, it does affect her aswell. "I'm with you all the way, I support you no matter what" Hailey insprits Jay, patting him on the arm. "I have to go talk to her. Hailey.." Jay decides and starts to ask for Haileys assistance, but she already has taken his hand in hers before he can finish. "Good luck, Halstead" Platt calls.

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