Part 21

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General POV

There's slight awkwardness in the room when the two are left alone, all Jay wants to do is give Hailey the biggest hug even though he can't. "We've all been so worried about you" Jay says, sitting down on a chair very close to Haileys bed. "I have always secretly liked the attention" Hailey jokes, dealing with the Serious situation in her usual humourous way. Jay shakes his head in disbelief and amazment at the fact she can still joke around, make light of absolutely anything. "Wow" Jay whispers under his voice, accedentally loud enough for Hailey to hear with her bat like hearing skills. "What?" Hailey yawns, wondering what the small comment was for. "Nothing" Jay smirks, looking Haileys battered body up and down. "No go on" Hailey demands, she may have just come out a coma, but her personality never takes a break. "Just you. Not many people would joke about a traumatic incident just mintues after coming out of a nine day coma" Jay answers, a small smirk rises from the corner of his lips. "Yeh well" Hailey shurggs, scrunching her face up to conceal the massive yawm to hide her weariness. "Get some sleep, you cover well but I got eyes Hails" Jay smiles, even when Hailey looks like death warmed up shes still the most beautiful person he's ever layed eyes on. "I'm fine" Hailey assures Jay, wanting him to stay as long as possible. The only thing making Hailey feel safe and content is Jay. Once Jay's out the door she knows she's going to have a break down. "If you're worried about me leaving I'm not, I promise you" Jay promises Hailey, hoping she'll sleep knowing he isn't going anywhere. "Yeh?" She questions. "Yeh" Jay nodds, watching Hailey happily close her eyes.

Jay gets up after a few mintues of Hailey being asleep, to ring intelligence and tell them Haileys awake. He leans against a wall, just around the corner from Haileys room, and takes his phone out. Jays hands start trembling, the dam in his eyes break and tears of mixed emotions starts running down his face. Maggie walks straight past a soggy Jay, however takes a step back when she realises he's crying terribly. "Jay, whats happened?" Maggie asks, placing a comforting hand on the side of Jays arm. "I have no idea" Jay admitts, his tears came out of no where and they are nothing like his usual tears either. "Is it Hailey, has something happened?" Maggie digs a little deeper, trying to get a better understanding of what's going on. "She..shes awake" Jay stutters, releasing a new wave of tears. "Oh Jay, its relief" Maggie points out, brining Jays frame down for a hug. He embraces her hug, crying carelessly onto Maggie. "It's okay, I got you" Maggie sooths Jay, rubbing his back like she would to a small child. Jay pulls away from Maggie, standing up straight and manning himself back up- embarrassed of loosing it infront of everyone. "Sorry" Jay apologieses to Maggie, wiping away to odd tear that esacped. "Hey, you got nothing to be sorry for, you understand?" Maggie says, her caring nature and understanding shining like glitter. "Yeh, Yeh, thanks Maggie. I should go call Voight" Jay smiles, walking off to somewhere quieter.

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