Part 49

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General POV

A month later, Hailey is almost six months pregant and is out shopping for Christmas presents for Jana, Jay and the unit. She walks past a jewelery shop, and sees the most gorgeous wedding ring in the window display. Her mind begins to imagen several different scenarios of Jay proposing to her; from a winter wonderland, to a beach on the east coast and they are both sitting around a campfire in the dark, eating roasted marshmallows. "May I help?" Hailey is pulled out her fantasy trace, when a lady who works at the shop comes out to see if she needs any help. "No, I'm okay thanks" Hailey smiles, shaking herself out of the unrealistic thoughts. "Actually, I wouls like some help please" Hailey changes her mind, I mean, why not? It is the twenty first century.


Back at the aparment, Jana and Jay plan the suprise Jay has been planning since the day he met Hailey. The two decorate the, already Christmas decorated, aparment with candles, Haileys favorite flowers- Daisys- and other little romantic gestures that mean alot to Hailey. "Jay, you sure about this? I just mean, you know, it's quick" Jana questions, not wanting Hailey and Jay to make a big jump and it end up sinking like the titanic in the future. "Jana, the whole thing with myself and Hailey has gone from nought to one hundered in a few months. Hailey is pregnant, we live together and have a ten year old" Jay lists, pointing out to Jana how his current desicion is probaly the most rational thing he and Hailey have done...if Hailey says yes that is. "Fair point" Jana chuckles, plumping up a santa cushion. "Thankyou for taking me in and sorry for being an ass when I first met you" Jana says, doing anything she can to avoid eye contact. "No worries kiddo. you're my little sister, it's my job to look out for you" Jay replies, sliding a disk into the stereo that contains Haileys favorite romantic song. Okay, the only romantic song Hailey likes. "Is there anything else I can do? If not, I'll go get my bag ready for Antonios" Antonio offered to take Jana for the night, so Jay and Hailey can have a date night, under the rock to what Jay is about to ask Hailey though. "No, you get yourself ready" Jay smiles. "Is Ava and Deigo nice? I mean, I'm not the typical kid who lives with their mum or dad. My brother, who is twenty two years older than me, had to rescue me from the system" Jana nervously rambles on, rambling to fast that she trips over her words occasionally. "Jana, Diego and Ava have heard alot worse. Both of them have been kidnapped aswell. What you've been through, is small potatoes compare to what they have heard. I'm not saying what you have been through is nothing, just not as big as some things" Jay tries to dig himself out of the whole he just dug, trying his hardest to not offend Jana. "I know what you mean, I did from the get go. You trying to get yourself out the ground is funny" Jana smirks, running off to her bedroom to pack.

Fifteen mintues later, there is a knock at the door followed by Antonio announcing that it is him. "Come in" Jay bellows back, wandering over to the kitchen for absolutely no reason whatsoever. "Hey Jay..oh wow!" Antonio cuts himself, amazed when he sees the cozy romantic/Christmasy aparment. "To much?" Jay scrunches his face up, starting to think he has over done it major style. "No, this is great! If I was Hailey, I'd ask you to marry me for the effort" Antonio states- taking the whole situation in a very weird direction- still not having guessed that is exactly what Jay is planning for. "I'm not sure if I'm more flattered or creeped out" Jay chuckles, trying to get the image of Antonio down on one knee and begging for Jay to marry him. "JANA, I'm here!" Antonio shouts to Jana, raring to get out of the uncomfortable situation. "Yep, ready" Jana does her classic skid out her room and along the lament wood flooring, accessorised with her cheer bagpack. "I didn't know you done cheer" Antonio looks to Jay, wondering how many other things Jana does at school. "Cheer, netball and athletics. Kid never stops" Jay chuckles, hugging Jana goodbye. "Try rubbing some of your enthusiasm for sports onto Ava and Diego please" Antonio pleads, convinced he has the laziest kids on earth. "Okay, by Jay" Jana waves, pulling Antonio out the aparment and slams the door closed.

Haileys POV

I do jump exitedly out of the jewlery store- well, jump as well as a six month pregant woman can- and rush home to ask Jay if he will marry me. It is completely of the whim, but it feels right. We have a family and are very happy together and completely in love with each other, so what's the problem? My initial thought was to propose on Christmas day- a week from today- but now I have the ring, I can't keep the exitment bottled in and will never pull off keeping a straight face for a week. "You looking giddy" An amused voice catches my attention, I turn to see who it is and am met by a tall, brown haird woman...Maggie. "Hey, nope" I try my hardest to keep a straight face, practically having to imagen tape across my lips to do so. "Sure, just like Rudolf is flying down the street" Maggie says sarcastically, seeing right through my mask. The tape peels off my lips and the corner of my lips start to curl upwards, giving Maggie full freedom the give me the third degree. "Out with it Upton" Maggie orders, crossing her arms and appearing to not have any intentions of moving until I spill. "Fine" I give in and pull the ring box out of my pocket, opening it up for Maggie to see. "Whoa, girl! Is that what I think it is?" Maggie looks for clarification, a guaped/suprised face on her. "Mmhmm" I grin, feeling like a right muppet with the massive grin I am wearing. "I'm so happy for you and Jay! If he doesn't say yes, that will be the biggest suprise since Donald Trump was announced as president" I let out a goofy laugh at Maggies remark at the end. "Thanks Maggie, for everything I mean. Jay told me about the mini melt down he had" I thank, great full for Maggie in everything she has done over the years up 'till now. "Ofcourse sweetie" Maggie smiles, having no idea what kind of impact she has on so many people. "Anyway, momma and baby are freezing, we better head off. Nice seeing you again Maggie" I smile, going in for a breif hug. "Yeh, let me know" Maggie winks, walking off.


Jay sets two bottles of non-alcaholic wine on the coffe table, that is decorated with rose pettles and candles. Before he can finish properly, the front door lets off a click and opens abruplty. Jay stands to attention, like he has been caught in the act doing something naughty and Hailey dropps all her shopping bags, completely taken off guard with the drastic decoration change. "Jay..." Hailey speaks up, entirely lost for words- which is a first in Haileys case. "Hey" Jay smiles, his mind gone completely blank. "W..what..are you...d...doing?" Hailey asks, looking around the room at all the pettles and candles. "Hailey, I need to tell you something" Jay signals with his hand for Hailey to come closer, feeling very uncomfortable with the distance between them. Once Hailey is right infront of him, he clears his throat and begins. "Hails, I love you with all my heart. You are so amazingly strong and after the turmoil of a life you have survived, you still managed to present yourself with the biggest and most beautiful smile. You never fail to make me, nor anyone else for that matter, laugh. The way you have handled the sudden ten year old being sprung on us and being pregant, makes me fall even more in love with you. I still am falling more in love with you. So, will you marry me and be my literal forever?" Jay bends down onto one knee and opens the ring box. A beautiful diamond ring glitters from the candle lights, infront of Hailey. "Oh crap" Hailey mumbles, making Jay stand up emmidiatly and regret saying anything.

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