Part 10

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General POV

During the night, Jay wakes to a deathly scream. Sprining out of his bed, he instictionally runs to Haileys room. The screams shes letting off are stomach curdling, her legs and arms and trashing around everywhere. Occasionally hitting herself of the headboard and wall. "Hails wake up, your safe, its Jay" Jay carefully shakes Haileys body, playing chicken with her fighting limbs at the same time. Haileys leg clocks Jay in the stomach real hard, sending him flying backwards into a bookself. The almighty crash of Jay stacking it against the self and the books falling, causes to Hailey jump up from her traumatic sleep startled. Her eyes pace around the room until they meet a fallen Jay, carefully picking himself up off floor covered in books. "Oh my God, Jay" Hailey exhales, jumping out of bed to help him up off the floor, completely oblivious to it being her who cause him to end up where he is. "You good?" Jay asks once hes up off the floor. "Yeh, why?. Your the one on the floor?" Hailey asks confused, rubbing her foot that kicked Jay in the stomach. "Yeh im fine. You had a flash back, I came to see what the screaming was, you were thrashing around like a maniac and kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying into the bookself" Jay explains, however, making it very clear that he doesn't blame her in the slightest for what happened. "Jay, im so sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you" Hailey apologises almsot in tears at the thought of hurting the one person who genuinely and deeply cares about her. "Dont worry about it. I just wanna know if your alright, without lying" Jay replies, worried more about Hailey than the throbbing red mark on his back. "I just, I seen him. He was hurting me and then you when you came to rescue me, he almsot killed you. It was like Booth and Garret x Jay Halstead horror movie" Hailey breaks down into tears, sinking to the floor. For all the years she's been floating calmly on the outside then boom, she hits an ice burg and sinks, drowning in her own thoughts and body. "Ayyy, I'm not going to let anything bad happen. You have my word on that" Jay comforts Hailey, brining her gently into his side and securely wrapping her in his big masculine arms. "Im sorry" Hailey apolgises, her head resting onto Jays bare stomach and her arms tooked into her body shielding herself instinctively. "Shh, its okay, I got you" Jay sooths, rubbing his arm up and down Haileys back, able to feel every bone almsot with how malnourished she is. "He...he..said just before he clocked me over the head that he couldn't lose me" Hailey hiccups painfully, her hysterical crying and lack of air leading them on. "Your the only good thing he has by the sounds of it, without you he's nothing" All Jay wants to do is burst into tears with Hailey. Haileys pain and fear really getting to him, seeing her this broken and traumatised kills him. The next ten minutes, Jay sits there reassuring Hailey that shes safe and rubbing her back. On occasion, he risks placing a gentle kiss on the top of Haileys head. Hailey finally calms down, wearing herself out she falls asleep on Jay. He picks her up and carries her around to her bed, tooking her in securely. "Stay" Hailey mumbles just before Jay gets to the door taking him by suprise. "Yeh?" He checks, not wanting to take advantage of her state. "Yes" Hailey mumbles, tiredly shifting over to make room. Jay slips into the empty space and peacefully falls asleep, knowing he can protect Hailey more with being right next to each othet.

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