chapter thirteen

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Christain was indeed very good at his studies back in school but the only thing he wasn't good at was his personality, he was rude, selfish, demanding, and hot-tempered most times I wonder why my paths traversed his.

After sitting there quietly without altering a word, I needed to go take a wiz at the restroom.
I walked away leaving them behind. I was kinda hoping Christain was going to stop, surprised, he didn't.

At the restroom, I wasn't expecting Diana to just walk in and stopped me when I turned to leave.
She blocked my path and asked me a strange question.
She wanted to know if Christain loved me, or if the illusion of getting married to a rich billionaire is taking away my sense of reasoning.
There was no way, I could stand there and explain to her.
I turned away to leave, however, she grabbed my hand and gave me a stern warning, not to ever think that Christain will ever love a plain Jane like me.
That might be an insult?.

I walked out to meet Christain after the confrontation.

"Have been waiting for you, what took you so long?" he says.

  I knew if I told him about Diana, he wouldn't believe me so I did what I was good at, and  I apologized.

"Let's go," he said.
Diana walks out, Christain informed her we were heading back to the hotel, she kissed him on his cheeks and we left.

Diana's question kept me fretting, I needed to know his relationship with her, because she wouldn't just blatantly warn me to stay clear without any reason.

I kept stuttering with my words, Christain turns and said, "Spill it,".

"Who's Diane to you" I let out.
He gave me a strange look.
I imagined my family should be preparing my burial if he lost his cool but he acted calmly and said, she was only an ex-girlfriend.
He stopped at the hotel,  Christain asked me to go in without him. I wanted to inquire if he had someplace else to go, but the idea of getting my tongue-tied made me shut up.

Meanwhile, Christain visited Diana in her hotel suite.
She was happy to see him, unfortunately, Christain being his usual self, interrogated for the truth.

"What did you tell my fiancee," he said.

"Nothing much," she replied.

"You better start talking" he grunts and slammed the door behind him.

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