chapter thirty

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The police came. There was a glass door at it was facing the elevator, why hasn't Christain come in yet.
The thief's wanted to negotiate. We got to find out that the thieves were running away from the robbery that took place at some other place.
They had to find shelter by coming to the hotel.

The leader of the gangs suggested that the police let them go, without harm, with a getaway car.

The police had no choice but to accept their condition for the safety of our lives.

Back in the room, Christain heard the police siren, rotating nonstop,  he woke up and glimpsed I wasn't in bed.

He rushed down and saw how crowded it was in the lobby.

He passed the bar.
I wanted to scream, Unfortunately, my mouth was gagged.

He kept asking questions if anyone has seen me, and he was finally informed about the situation going on.
Christain runs to the bar and right there, he met me tied up from inside.

In the past months, have stayed with him, I always find myself in trouble, well not as if  I go looking for them, it just happens.

We stay for hours, tied up at their mercy, meanwhile, Christain rushed to meet the police chief.

"Hello, someone I know is locked up in there with that criminal" Christain let out to them but he asked him who I was.

"Urgh, she's my wife" he confessed to the man printing a weird face.

Finally, the police met with the conditions of the criminals and alerted them to fulfill the end of their bargain.

All the criminal's huddled up, as they concluded that they have to bring someone with them as I shield, and guess who that was? It was me.

Hastily, they untied me, and we both walked outside the hotel with a gun on my head, I looked at Christian gazing scared, but when he tried to attack, a policeman had to withdraw him back in fear of my safety

I got inside the car, and it drives off.
while driving we got to a deserted place, I was asked to get down. I did and they left me in the middle of nowhere.

It was one in the morning and no single car was passing through.
I thought I wasn't going to find anyone, however, I found Christian's car driving toward me.
Should I be happy to see him?

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