chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I groan smashing my hand around my bedside table. I finally feel my phone shutting off the alarm I had set. 
I really need to go to work, I can't afford being late so many days in a row.

My wings would act up time to time like they did yesterday. When it's bad I'll be screaming in pain and just small wings left from losing so many feathers. What he did to me really fucked up wings.

I get out of bed seeing its 8:30 ,I had to be at the coffee at 9:00. It's a good thing it's only a couple blocks away.
Maybe see if my wings will work?
I really shouldn't, they haven't any other time.
I change into a long black sleeve shirt and black pants.
What can I say I like black. And blue....
I slipped my blue combat boots on. I grabbed my purse,making sure I have  everything.
" phone  keys ,wallet." I mumble to myself making sure I have  everything. I went down the many stairs to the bottom floor. I was on the 6th story and the building had no elevator. At least I got my workout for the day. I prance down the last couple steps looking at my feet.
I grunt my face hitting somthing hard. I look up rubbing my forhead.
I had ran into the door.
I'm so smart.

My cheeks flushed red hoping no one saw that. I slowly made my way down the street. Today I guess I was relaxed more. I diddnt cling my wings to me like I usually do. I guess it's a comfort thing?
My wings where just resting easy poking out to my sides. It sort of looked like a barrier with how big they where. 
I'm stopped feeling somthing tug in my pant leg. I look down and a smile forms on my face. It was my coworkers Kid. She was also my friend.
" hey buddy what are you doing out here?" I asked ruffling his dark brown hair.  He smiled up at me grabbing onto my finger.

" I wanted to walk with you to mommy's shop!" He squealed trying to pull my in that direction.
This kid.
I chuckle softly moving my wing behind me a bit more as I pick him up hoisting him on my him.
" ok kiddo let's go." I smile walking down the side walk.

" auntie y/n?"

" hmm?" I hummed making sure I diddnt run I to anybody.

" can I have a pretty feather ? They are always so soft !" Ethan the little boy asked wrapping his little arms around my neck.
" sure let's wait till we get Inside."
He nodded and not 3 minutes later I made it into the coffee shop. The fresh scent of coffee hitting my nose. I sigh happily as uraka turned around her smile turning into a frown.
" younge man diddnt I tell you its dangours going out by yourself?" She asked the boy that was still on my hip as I made my way to set my things down.
" I was with auntie y/n !" He yelled and I sat him down and looked at my wings trying to find a feather that wouldn't have blood or anything on it.

I pulled softly giving the boy a red feather.
His whole face lit up until he heard his mom.
" I know I know, but next time wait for her to come in ok?" She said kneeling down giving the boy a soft kiss on the forehead.
I put on my apron  tying it in the back.

"So how are you doing this week?" I asked peering over to uraka  as I started to display the cupcakes and mini pastries.
" it went well. Izuku ,ethan ,and me went for a family picnic. " she smiled as she cleaned the counters off. Ethan. Ran into the back room with a giant smile on his face and feather in hand.
" that's good to hear. " I smile setting out the last cupcake and turning the open sign on.
I usually worked all day but I diddnt mind, sometimes if gives me somthing to do.

The customers started flooding in about a hour later. Uraka and me would chat in between helping someone. She is my bestfriend. I applied for a job and we just clicked.
" can I get a black coffee." A low monotone voice said taking my from my thinking.
" oh hi shota how are you doing today?" I asked as he handed my the money. He came in here daily and always got the same thing ,the same way. Me and shota are pretty good friends. He was there for me when no one else was.
" he I'm fine,ready for school to start up." He sighed standing out fi the way. I went over and poured his coffee I to the cup.
" wow you like teaching those kids? I know I couldn't." I laughed softly warning a smirk from him.
" yeah yeah now I want my coffee." He whined as I handed the cup to him carefully.
" ok bye now have a nice day!" Uraka chimed in with a soft smile.
Shota left and waved us good by.
Shot was 10 years older then Me I sort of saw him as a dad you could say.

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