chapter 6

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Y/n pov

I yawn as I strech out my arms waking up. I open my eyes looking around the room until I meet the clock.

I guess I really slept in.  I get up heading to the shower. I step in turning the water on. I yelp as cold water hits me skins. It slowly warms up and I smile rincing myself off. I wash my hair and body and get out. I out on his tshirt I wore when I was at his place. I put a pair of leggings on and walked out to the living room. I sit down on the sofa turning on a movie waiting for Keigo to get back.

2 hours later.

I jump as there was a knock at the door.  I groan and get up cracking the door open. I peek out but I dont see anyone. I open the door up more and see Keigo.

" Keigo! " I shout and wrap him in a hug. He chcukles as he hugs me back.

" did you miss me?" He smirked kissing the top if my head. I blush letting go.

"" I blush and lead him into the apartment. I heard the door click closed and I turn around to meet Keigos face close to mine.

" uhm how was your mission?" I ask taking a step back making space.

" it went very well, everything worked out smoothly. How are you kitten?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets.

Did he hear me. Dose he know?

" I'm pretty good nothing to exciting happen. " I blush and sit down on the sofa. He follows taking a seat by me.

" that's good to hear kitten." He smiled.

" so uh you said you can hear with your feathers right?" I asked looking at the floor. I could feel my face get red just thinking Bout it.

" hmm.. yes why?"

" do you always hear what it dose?"  I croaked out.  He diddnt answer.  I looked up to see he had gotten closer.
He placed a hand on my cheek making me blush. He leaned in connecting our lips. I could feel my heart race and sparks all over my body. I closed my eyes kissing him back. As soon as he felt me kiss back his other arm snaked around my waiste pulling me to him.i wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips are so soft and gentle yet eager. We broke apart for air  putting our forheads together.

" I love you to kitten."

I blushed  looking away from him. He grabed my chin gently turning my head to him.

" please say it kitten. I want to hear it in person. " he smiled looking deep into my eyes.

" i..I love ." I shuddered my cheeks going as red as my feathers. He smiled kissing me again. I kiss him back but this time he picks me up putting me on his lap. I blush feeling him lick my lip. I pull back from the kiss panting for air.

" to much?" He looks at at like be almost killed me.
I nod my head putting my hand on his chest.

" sorry kitten I can't control myself some times, your just so beautiful." He smiled kissing my forehead. I smiled laying my head on his chest.

" I missed you. I got really bored." I giggle softly and he chuckles. 

" I missed you to kitten." He said as he strokes my hair. I couldn't help but smile as I layed on his chest. I felt so at peace.

" will you be my girlfriend? I promise to take it slow.  I just want to be able to call you mine." I heard him ask making my head shoot up.  I blushed as I smiled looking up at him. 

" do I get to kiss you again if I say yes?" I asked with a smile. He chcukled.
" is that a yes?" He smirked.

" yes." I smiled my whole face red. He gently put his hand on my cheek pulling me to his lips. I melted into his arms as our lips moved toghter. He pulled back and kissed my jaw.

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