chapter 10

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talk of blood and seizure.

Keigos pov

I groan feeling air brush across my face. I open my eyes to see a white ceiling rush past me vision. I look around to see I'm on a moving hospital bed. There are about 4 nurses pushing the bed.

" w..what happen?" I ask looking at the nurse to my left. " you just got back from surgery. We are heading to your room now." She said calmly.

They set the bed I was on in the middle of the room. Three of the nurses made their way out. Leaving me and the black haired nurse.

" you got injured pretty bad in the fight you just had. You fractured your arm and have many scraps and bruises by you will be ok." She gave me a soft smile connecting the iv in my arm up to the bag.

" can you contact  my friend charlie?" I asked grunting as I sit up in the bed. My whole body was sore.

" he is here with a female, i can get him if you'd like. " she looked at me then down to her notepad.

" WAIT is the girl y/n?   Shes my girlfriend. Where is she I need to see her!" I shouted and stood up from the bed. The nurse softly pushed my back down. I sat on the edge of the bed a sharp pain going in my side. I hissed at the pain holding my side I had got hit in.

" sir, you need to rest. I'll talk to the doctors to arrange for you to see her. But please rest. I will be back. " she took her hand off my shoulder and walked out of the room.

I looke down at myself seeing a had a splint on my left arm and bandages around my torso. My wings haven't grown their feathers back. It will probably take a few days.

Is y/n safe? What happen to her?  Did anthony hurt her? What about Charlie's men? Did they protect her? At least shes alive.

I sighed leaning back into the bed closing my eyes.

Y/n  pov

" what do you mean? How the fuck did I survive!" I screamed at the doctor that looked terrified. I was raging with anger and sadness. I had lost both my wings. I wasnt even left with stubs. He had taken them completely. They had to give me a blood transfusion. It took alot of bags from what I heard. I broke my right calf. I haven't even processed losing my wings yet.

" miss l/n c..calm down. But I'm sorry to inform you that there is no way for you to get your wings or quirk back. And you have serious Injuries to your back. I dont recomend you move. The man who attacked you even carved out the root of your wings. "  the doctor spoke in a calm yet sad tone.

" so they are gone ,gone?" I whispered.

" yes I'm sorry miss l/n. The cops will be coming in soon, to ask few questions."

I could feel the tears swell in my eyes. It had just hit me. I lost everything. I had nothing.

" are you s..sure t..there is no w...way to fix this?"  I whimpered.

" I'm sorry no. He carved your wings out of your back. There is no bone or anything left of them in your body. It is truly a miracle you are alive. " the man said looking down at his papers.

" o..ok"
I broke the tears rushing out if my eyes.

" I will give you some time. " the doctor walked out and shut the door.
I covered my face with my hands as I balled my eyes out.
I have nothing. I'm so useless.
What about Keigo. Where is he? Will he even want me now that I'm more broken then ever. How am I alive? I should be dead.

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