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Ashley crouched on the floor setting the mouse traps it has been more than an hour worth of work to set those traps for the senior prank night

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Ashley crouched on the floor setting the mouse traps it has been more than an hour worth of work to set those traps for the senior prank night.

She wouldn't have gone to the school had it not been for her sister Caroline she wouldn't have gone, it's true that both of them weren't biological sisters but they loved each other all the same.

Ashley was pulled out of her thoughts when the whole set of mouse traps went off and the classroom light was on, She looked at the intruder to find none other than Matt Donovan, "Oh, come on! Seriously?!" Caroline shouted getting up from her position, "Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!" She snapped at him.

Ashley shook her head teasing Matt, "Forgot about senior prank night, huh?"

Matt smiled sheepishly, "Clearly."

Caroline scoffed, "How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year."

"You can't run away from it, God knows I tried" Ashley said shaking her head getting up and leaning on the desk.

Elena nodded agreeing with her friend, "Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

Ashley watched her friends bicker and it gave her the sense of normality she was looking for, although most of her friends now including herself are part of the supernatural, she looked forward to the moments they can be just teenagers.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this."

"Caroline's making us." Bonnie stated.

Caroline shook her head at Bonnie turning to Matt, "We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't..." Elena continued the speech memorizing it from how many times the blonde had said it, "And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?"

"Go ahead and make fun, I don't care." Caroline said agitated at her friends.

"You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank." Tyler said walking out of the classroom.

Ashley couldn't help the uneasy feeling in her stomach so she got out of the classroom for a fresh air.

She was roaming the hallways when suddenly she saw a blonde women handling Tyler, "Tyler?" She asked frowning.

"Ash, get out of here" He warned as the girl heard these words she turned around ready to flee when the blonde was suddenly in front of her, "Isn't it cute? You think you can run away from me"

"Who are you?"

"You're the redhead which makes you the other werewolf, you're coming with me" The blonde said handling the girl.

The blonde walked both of them to the gym, "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning...She can be quite mean." Klaus mused staring at his sister.

Rebekah rolled her eyes throwing the two teenagers on the floor, "Don't be an ass."

Ashley groaned on the floor, feeling anger course through her at the sight of the man who is terrorizing her friends but she stayed down knowing how powerful Klaus was.

"I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus explained before looking at Elena specifically, "Now cause I'm feeling quite generous I'll let you choose whether it will be little red here or Tyler to be my next experiment"

Elena's eyes widened unable to form words as she looked between her friends, Ashley was on the floor, suddenly feeling dizzy from being hit so harsh, "I'll make it easier for you" Klaus said grabbing Tyler and biting his wrist forcing the blood down Tyler's throat.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake...You better hurry." Klaus said twisting Tyler's neck.

The strawberry blonde gasped, she couldn't believe what just happened, Tyler was now in transition to be a hybrid.

After a while Rebekah had taken Tyler away, "You okay?" Elena asked staring at her friend who was lost in thought.

"Yeah I'm good" Ashley dismissed still thinking about what happened, she knew she had felt it earlier when she was in the classroom but she had convinced herself not to think about it.

Then suddenly Stefan entered the gym, Ashley had drowned their voices not wanting to be in the middle of Elena's drama, she looked up at the original hybrid wandering why in the hell would he go to such trouble to make hybrids it didn't make sense to her.

She knew he was powerful and didn't need anyone to protect him so the reason was lost on her.

Suddenly the gym's doors opened with Rebekah sauntering in, a murderous look in her eyes, "Where is it?! Where's my necklace?" Rebekah asked pointing her question at Elena.

Klaus frowned at his sister, "What are you talking about?"

Rebekah walked to the hybrid with the phone in her hands, "She has my necklace. Look." She gave him the phone so he can see the picture.

"More lies."

"Where...is it?" Rebekah asked, Ashley stood up anticipating the crazy blonde next move, she walked to Elena.

Elena shook her head, "I don't have it anymore." she responded.

"You're lying!" Rebekah shouted getting ready to jump on the brunette but the werewolf had already anticipated so she jumped full speed on Rebekah taking her to the ground with Ashley on top of her.

Ashley's eyes were now golden yellow breathing heavily, "Don't touch her" She warned slowly getting up and standing in front of her friend.

Klaus was surprised to see the strawberry blonde tap into her werewolf side so easily, "Well, well. Little red can change at will" Ashley looked up at Klaus, "What does that make you?" He asked with a new found interest in the girl.

Ashley stared at him not breaking the eye contact and not answering him either, he shook his head remembering the matter at hand, "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest." He asked directing the question to Elena.

"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."

Klaus sighed, "Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?" He walked off putting on the clock, there's a buzzer sound when the clock appeared on the board, he then walked over to Stefan to compel him.

"Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to. No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine." Klaus compelled Stefan.

Then his eyes wandered off to Ashley, "And you are coming with me" He said handling her and walking out of the gym with Rebekah in tow.

Klaus's grip wasn't strong which made the strawberry blonde girl frown at how softly he was handling her.

When they reached the classroom where Caroline and Tyler was in, Klaus let her go and walked off leaving the girl with Rebekah, "Why don't you take a little nap?" Rebekah said with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

"What?" Ashley asked frowning until the blonde had hit her head hard on one of the desks making the girl lose conscious immediately.

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