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Ashley, Caroline and Bonnie stood together near their lockers chatting when Elena approached them," Elena, hey

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Ashley, Caroline and Bonnie stood together near their lockers chatting when Elena approached them," Elena, hey. Is everything okay?" Bonnie asked.

Elena frowned, "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"

Bonnie looked at Ashley and Caroline before turning to the brunette, "Well, Caroline and Ashley told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy."

Elena nodded, "Matt is at the house staying with him right now to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control. He's OK."

"But are you? I mean, clearly, they don't have a flat iron at hotel Salvatore." Ashley joked giggling at Elena's bun.

Elena looked around uncomfortably, "Oh -- I was in a rush. I mean -- look, do you girls have any plans tonight? I'm in desperate need of some girl talk." She said taking her hair out of the bun it was in.

Bonnie smiled eagerly, "I'm in. Shane taught me some small spells I've been wanting to try."

Caroline wiggled her eyebrows at her friend, "Oh, creepy professor guy is just Shane now."

Bonnie huffed in annoyance, "He's not creepy."

"We're not judging." Ashley said comforting her friend.

"I am." Caroline chimed in, Elena shook her head at the blonde before turning to Bonnie, "Don't listen to her. So, girls' night? We can raid the Salvatore wine cellar."

Caroline and Ashley looked at each both uncomfortable at the mention of the Salvatores, "Um, are you sure that Stefan and Damon are cool with us crashing at their place?" Caroline wandered.

Elena caught sight of Damon walking in the school, him motioning for her to talk to him she turned to her friends, "I can't go home because my brother is trying to kill me. So their place is mine now, too. I'll see you in a bit." Elena said before walking away to meet Damon.

That night at the Salvatore house, Ashley, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were partying with music blasting loud while Bonnie was capturing everything on her phone, Elena poured another glass of champagne for herself, but she realized the bottle was empty.

Elena used her super speed going into the dining room, standing on the table she grabbed another bottle of champagne, Ashley, Caroline and Bonnie cheered for her as she super sped back into the room, popping the cork off the new champagne bottle.

She poured herself another glass and the girls all hug each other falling on the couch.

Upstairs, the girls had made their way into Damon's bathroom, Elena was lying in the empty tub with Ashley, Bonnie and Caroline sitting next to her, the three of them were giggling and having a great time.

"Check this out: Vamp-speed video." Bonnie said handing Elena the phone, Elena played the video laughing, "I look like Superman. Watch this."

She paused the video at the point where she was superspeeding back into the room the capture showed a giant blur behind her due to the speed at which she was running.

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