911 what's you're emergancy?

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Marcel took me home, like he said he would, then when we got inside I did everything he ordered me to. Everything but forget. I sprinted to my room and closed my bedroom door and held my ear against it, waiting to hear the front door close, once I heard the subtle lock I rummaged through my bag for my phone. Who do I call? Benji? No I don't have his number. My dad? No, I don't know. The police? Would they believe me? Who cares, right now they need to know that I was attacked and that Marcel killed him. Without thinking I dialled those three numbers.

With every dial tone my Anxiety was at an all time high, I tried walking to my bed but my legs caved in and I only made it to the end where I cascaded onto the floor besides my bed

"911 what's your emergency?" The phone operator questioned. I regained my focus and stared blankly at the screen of my iPhone 11

"H-hi I-I'd" I kept stuttering my words. How do I say this, I've never had to do anything like this before. My life was so sheltered.

"Hello? Ma'am, what can I help you with?" The phone operators voice was ringing through my head.

"Y-yes I'd like to report a murder and assault." I replied in a brittle tone, my voice was starting to break with every word I poured out.

"Okay ma'am did you say murder?" She inquired

"Yes. An assault too." I replied, gaining more confidence with each word I spoke

"Okay ma'am and when did this happen?" The operator responded

"On 6th Avenue alleyway at around half an hour ago in the french quarter." I informed trying to get out as many details I could remember. "The man that assaulted me was murdered." I finally stated.

"Okay ma'am what's your address?" She asked

"12 Lovelane street in the french quarter, 70112+5267" I hope I said the post code right, America is different they have a zip code with an added four numbers, it's extremely confusing.

"Name and age please ma'am," the phone operator pulled my out of my thoughts.

"Y-yes it's erm, do you need my exact full name including middle name? or just surname and forename?" I rambled unsure of how the procedure worked.

"Anyway you want to do it ma'am," she informed me politely, I guess she could sense the fear in my voice, I'm really struggling to cope right now.

"Yes it's y/n Luna Nikola Desrosiers, I'm 16 years old." I replied telling her my full name just in case.

"Okay miss Desrosiers, is there a parent at home at all?" She inquired

"N-no my mum isn't here at the moment." I responded.

"Okay, miss Desrosiers I've dispatched officers to come by and check things out, anything else I can help you with?" The operator continued in a cool hushed tone.

"No... I'll be fine thank you." I replied tiredly, it was getting late and I guess the adrenaline rush I was feeling before wore down.

"Okay, feel free to call if anything else comes up." She replies before cutting the call.

Now it was just silence, silence on the phone, silence in the house and silence on the street. Normally I'd be okay with that but with everything that's happened to me today I'm now terrified of it.

I hear footsteps down stairs and my paranoia kicks in at a all time high, I clutch my phone closer and have the dial button ready to hit 911 again if necessary and grab a hold of the nearest object in my room that could do the most damage to an intruder. A baseball bat that my friend gave me as a inside joke when I was leaving, she said and I quote "baseball is what all Americans play, so now you're going to have to learn." Well at the least this bat is getting some use because lord bloody well knows well that I am never going to participate in any sport that includes me moving my muscles for stupid reasons.

I quietly creep down the staircase avoiding all the creaky spots that would get me in trouble in this very moment in time and follow the noise into the kitchen. I tiptoe behind the assailant who is bent over in the cub board looking for something. I'm just about to swing when she turns around and screams.

"Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Mum screams at me.

"Oww." I cry as I drop the bat and it lands on my toe making me jump up and grab the now swollen foot in an ill attempt to rub it better. "I thought you were a bugler!" I whine at my mum still rubbing my now throbbing foot.

"Why on earth would you think that?" Mum asks me as she guides me to a chair and rests my foot on the chair next to it.

"A lot of weird things have happened to me today mum." I reply as she rubs an ointment on my foot making it instantly feel better. She was always good at that, she's give me an ointment or drink and I'd feel better instantly. Must be because of the apothecary she worked in as child, she could've picked up a few tricks.

The door knocks loudly causing me to jump again slightly.

"Now who is that at this time?" My mum questioned with a slight annoyance in her tone of voice. For a second I almost thought the same, it was only until she walked away and opened the front door that I remembered my earlier phone call.

"James, oh my- what are you doing here?" My mum questioned the man at the door, I could hear heavy footsteps as he came inside, but it wasn't coming towards the kitchen where I was it was going towards the living room. I hobbled to the kitchen door to hear the conversation a bit more.

"So when did you join the force?" So he was here for me, then why hasn't he asked for me? Plus mum knows him?

"Chief actually but that's not what I wanted to talk about." The police chief replied "You have a daughter now right Maya? You mentioned her at the funeral." He continued, I could hear my mum making responsive sounds as he went along.

"Marcel came to me, not to long ago, talking about y/n." James voice was tense as he was talking to my mum, but it's very clear now who he was talking about, and especially why.

"What did Marcel have to say about my daughter to you that he couldn't talk to me about?"  My mum insisted from the officer

"Maya let me finish." James ordered this time I poked my head slightly around the door. "Look she was attacked earlier on tonight,"

"What!? Was it one of the wolves?" My mum trembled out before James put up his pointer finger to let him finish.

"No, it was one of Marcels men, but she healed she's fine he told me that, Marcel compelled her but..." he trailed off,

"It didn't work..." mum continued for him quietly.

"Yeah, it explains why I'm here, she called 911." James sighed as he continued "look what is she? Marcel said he didn't heal her, she did that herself. Now I know your kind can't be compelled but I've never heard of one of you that can heal by yourself so quickly." James inquired in a hush tone.

What the hell are they talking about? This city is so weird. Compelled? One of your kind? I hope he doesn't mean black people... wait he's black himself so that's not it... but it was weird how quickly that bite healed... none of this makes any sense.

"James her dad... is extremely dangerous. Their kind have that ability to heal quickly. You know that my kind can't be compelled..." my mum whispered, probably remembering that I was in the room next door. But still this is too freaky for me to wrap my head around.

"Look, what do you need me to do?" James asked her

"Don't mention this to anyone, I don't want her dad thinking she's like him, I don't want to give him a reason to seek her out, I'll talk to Marcel." Mum insisted, but I guess she's too late because in the end I searched for him.

"Fine by me." I heard James say as he got off the sofa, I could hear the loud creak it makes whenever someone gets up. The front door opens and I can barely hear their conversation anymore. The front door closes and I can hear my mother walking back into the kitchen.

"Do you want to tell me about whatever the hell happened tonight?" Mum snapped


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