Magic exists!?

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"Y-y-you're crazy! What the hell! Do you honestly expect me to believe that!?" I stood up and screamed at him. But he looked so calm and got up and gently wrapped his arms around me.

"You're family decends from a survivor from the Salem witch trials, your family tree is one of the strongest witch bloodline in New Orleans." I was trying my hardest to push out of his grip. None of this made sense, he's gone mad. With each push I made he held me tighter. "There's something else you should know... about your family..." He raised my head up to face him but my eyes laid on the ground and didn't move "your dad... isn't a witch, he used to be a werewolf... he was turned, I think around the same year your mom and him got married, he turned into a hybrid, a half vampire half werewolf, an extremely deadly mix...y/ okay?" I looked up at him and took advantage of him loosening his grip on me and pushed myself away.

"I think you've watched one too many twilight movies and way too many episodes of true blood." I honestly was expecting him to turn around and say 'Ha April's fools!' But no that didn't happen... "besides I'm allergic to dogs and I've been around Xavier and haven't had any reactions." I told him with a small smirk. But his face remained calm as ever. His deep caramel eyes burning into my aquamarine ones, reality hit me. He wasn't joking. He was being serious.

"Y-you're insane, you need help Benji." My words started to break as a lump filled my throat. Trust my first friend here to be a mad one.

"I'm telling the truth y/n, you need to know this."

"No Benji, you've gone mad. Please stay away from me." I started to walk away from him before he grabbed a hold of my wrist, I stared up at him as the tears rolled down my cheeks and around my nose, they started to burn as they filled my waterline "let me go Benji...please." I plead with him, I always felt safe with him, but now, I'm scared of him, scared to be alone with him.

"If you don't believe me y/n, ask you mom what I mean. She can't erase your memory anymore, my spell made sure of that." He let me go and I rubbed my wrist, he didn't hold me extremely tightly but he still had a strong grip. I looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes, his usually bright smile had diminished and left behind a broken man. One I don't recognise, I almost felt bad for him, but I realised the situation I was in and knew I needed to leave, I needed to go home and talk to my mum, one way or the other I'm getting the truth.


Maya's POV

Y/n had been gone for almost an hour when a car pulled up to the house. I was in the middle of dusting the bookshelves surrounding the wall by the tv when someone rang the doorbell.

The minute I opened the door I wish I never had, I went to close the door in his face but Xavier held his foot in the way.

"We need to talk." His voice was gruff and stern, he was angry at me. I could guess a few reasons as to why.

"We have nothing to talk about." I replied and attempted to shut the door again, however I failed when he shoved his large body through the threshold and let himself in.

"We have a lot of things to talk about Maya." He never took his stare off of me. "Let's start with why you filed for divorce and left the country. Was I that terrible of a husband to you?"

"I needed a break..."

"Bull. You were running and you know it, it's what you always do whenever you can't handle something."

"You don't know my reasons."

"I think I do. Why didn't you tell me you were back?"

"I didn't think I needed to tell my ex husband I was back in town." I snapped at him.

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