We're dating!

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The bayou was clear out of my view now, I found myself walking through the quarter, not making my way to the compound, not yet. I was distracted I mean it's not every day that a mysterious hunky werewolf jumps into your life. I was still making my way to nowhere when I crashed into a tower, or at least what felt like a tower.

"Hey, where's the fire?" Benji was in front of me holding both my shoulders whilst taunting me. 


He chuckled and looped an arm around my shoulder "You were walking like a girl on a mission back there"

I gave him a dry smile and held the hand that was over my shoulder "I hadn't even noticed"

Benji looked over to the top of my head and furrowed his brows "you got a little, greenery in your hair there"

"Uh where?" I ask shaking my ponytail out.

Benji started laughing at me "Here let me get it," He pulled out the green stem from the knot of my hair tie. "You been in the bayou today?"

My body felt uneasy as I stared at him "Hah, no," Benji just raised an eyebrow at me still holding the stem in my view "oh yeah I was um in the bayou gathering herbs for spell class tomorrow with Freya and Hope."

"You know we have a witches market where they sell all types of herbs"  He smirked at me whilst flicking the stem out of his fingers. We started walking, towards the same witches farmers market. "We didn't end up going on our date..."

I squinted at him, the sun glaring in my eyes "Benj I'm sorry, I meant to call and cancel it's just"

He moved in front of me and held his arms up to his chest "hey don't even worry about it, you had other things on your mind" I beamed at him. "I was thinking tonight we could catch a movie, I know a great film that's showing?"

I took his hands and closed them within mine, "I don't know, bold of you to assume I won't just flake on you again."

Benji threw me a questioning glare and continued walking our hands still wrapped together, "Let's just call it optimism. Besides if I have to I will stand outside of the Mikaelson compound throwing stones at your window until you decide to come out with me."

I chuckle at the thought "Klaus would kill you for just being a nuisance."

Benji sighed deeply before shrugging his shoulders "it's a risk I'm willing to take for love."

I scoff at him and raise my eyebrows "Love?" I gave him a dry laugh as I sped up.

We had been walking for ten minutes before Benji and I finally made it to the compound. We stared at the rusty green gates for what seemed like forever..."I should be going inside now... " Benji waved a silent bye to me and I started to walk through their gates, I was inside the compound when I turned around only to find him still standing there.

"How did you know I was still here?" Benji questioned with a mischievous smirk spread across his face.

"Call it a wild guess..." I chimed back at him laughing as he tried to lean across the wall only to fall on the ground "Smooth," I bit my lip laughing even louder as he dragged me down with him, I kept trying to squirm out of his grip but it was no use, he wasn't going to let me go, not until I told him what he wanted to hear"If I say pick me up at six will you let me get back up?"

"Deal," and with that he let me go and hoisted us both up.


Hope was helping me get ready, she let me borrow her favourite lucky leather jacket and helped me change my makeup from every day to date night, we didn't do much just changed my clear lipgloss to a mauve liquid lipstick. "So are we ready to talk about Benji now?" She was holding my detangler brush and helping me comb through my curls, we couldn't decide how to style it and Benji was going to arrive soon.

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