Always And Forever

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I walk into a room that looked like another library and find Hope and Freya sitting by a table, I grab a seat next to Hope on the sofa sitting opposite Freya. "Sorry I'm late I had a hard time figuring out the bathrooms here"

"It's okay we were just getting started." Freya reassures me "I need to explain to explain to you girls about the curse." she walked over and picked up a dagger out of a chest sitting on the desk 

"Aunt Dahlia used to talk about how our family was rampant and had an unquenchable thirst for power." she twirled the dagger between her fingers as she strolled around the room "She always used to ramble about if our family line ever managed to gain power from all three factions then a curse would unlock on the Mikaelsons." she placed the dagger back in the chest and sat in between me and hope on the sofa "you see Y/n we always wondered why the curse wasn't triggered in Hope when she turned 17 but now I know... it's because you haven't turned 17 yet."

"So the curse is just waiting for my birthday?" I question Freya. "I'm confused how did this curse know I was going to be coming back here anyway?"

"It doesn't work like that sweetie, it would've been triggered in you whether you were in New Orleans or London."

Hope sighed "I still don't really understand this. How does this stupid curse work?"

"Well, Hope I went through Esther's books last night and discovered that the curse takes effects when the youngest Mikaelson reaches their seventeenth year."

"Me... but that's a year away,"

"Basically what it does is when it's twelve at midnight your eyes change, both of yours." Freya got off the sofa and walked over to the table and picked up the large peeling leather-bound book that was sitting in the centre of it. "There will be a saviour and a destroyer, the saviour will be the one to unite the factions and the destroyer... well they'll be the one burning them down to oblivion." Freya handed the book to Hope and I scooched over to glimpse at the page as well "The saviours' eyes will be pure of light like its soul and the destroyers eyes will be full of red like the blood and anger boiling within them."

Hope and I gazed at the drawings on the page that Freya was quoting. "So how do we fight this thing?" Hope shrugged whilst snapped the book abruptly 

"Well, first we start with potions training and spell casting." Freya chimed with a big grin. 


I was sitting in the living room scrolling through the gallery on my phone, there were pictures of my friends back in London, my mum and Benji...maybe I should call him? I brought the phone to my chin and tapped it lightly three times

"Something on your mind love?" Rebekah's voice perked through the room, I accidentally dropped my phone on the sofa right in front of her, she walked closer picking up my phone and grabbing a seat, "or should I say someone... hmm he's cute." her eyes frowned together while inspecting the photo "hey isn't this the boy who escorted you to the gala?"

"Yeah, that's Benji..."

Rebekah pursed her lips together and sighed whilst patting my knee lightly. "So, how have you been adjusting?"

"I've been doing good, it's new but you know it's... something..."

Rebekah rolled her eyes and sighed at me "get up."


"Get up, you're clearly bored and not happy right now so we're going out, bonding time." I raised my eyebrow to her "you are not comfortable here because you don't know us and we don't know you, I want to change that, I want to know you y/n I want to know my niece and I want you to know your aunt Beks."

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