Chapter 7

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Michael yelled.

It was a Tuesday morning, about 40 minutes before their second concert of their tour. He walked into the room wearing just a towel.

"Michael really you lost your underwear again?"

"I didn't say I lost it, I just said has anybody seen it?"

"No." Ashton replied. "We haven't."

"So you're telling me there isn't one pair of clean underwear in this whole damn tour bus?" Michael questioned.

I tapped him on the shoulder, holding his clean boxers by my finger.

"I found them." I stated.

"I see that." He calmly replied. "Thank you."

Before he left, he turned to face me and whispered, "Um, where were they?"

"In the cupboard with the cereal." I whispered back.

"Oh whoops." He replied. Then he left the room.

"Alright well that takes care of that." I said.

"Sadly I don't think Michael can get anymore responsible that that." Ashton stated.

"Agreed." said Luke.

"Guys, where is Calum? How do we keep losing Calum?" I asked.

"Calm down, he's in his bunk." Luke replied.

"Again?" I asked.


"Ok I'll go get him."

I left the main part of the bus and headed to the bunks. I looked up and saw Calum's bunk. His curtain was closed. I heard breathing so I was assuming he wasn't dead. I climbed up there and peeked through his curtain. He was asleep.

I sat on his bunk.

"Calum?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Have you been awake?"


"Oh. Well it's about 30 minutes till show time now. I think you should get up and rehearse with the other boys."

"Stop telling me what to do Maddie."

"Look, Calum, I'm not trying to be a bossy bitch ok? I'm just trying to help you."

"I don't need your help." Calum whined.

"Calum are you ok? Your acting so quiet today."

"I'm fine." He sat up in bed. "It's just that I had Emily and I was stupid enough to let her go. She's Ashton's now. I never treated her like the woman she is, and I never let her get close to me, or let her in. I put up these walls that I refused to be torn down. In a way, we barely knew each other, and now we're just strangers and she despises me. I feel empty Maddie. I feel broken, selfish, and no one can fix me."

We sat there, silent, thinking.

"Maybe I can." I blurted out.

"What?" Calum questioned.

"I'll try to fix you. I know the boys have tried, but I haven't. The boys and I have let you go on your own and you became this self absorbed monster. Luke told me you were never like this and I didn't believe him, but know I do."

"You're gonna turn me back into the way I was?" Calum questioned, his eyes big and filled with tears.

"It's going to take a lot of effort, and a lot of time, but sure. I'll help you."

"Thank you Maddie."

"Hey, what are tour assistants for?" I questioned.

He brought me in for a hug, and then something happened.

We made a connection.

Our eyes met.

We became closer, and closer. Physically and emotionally.

And sparks were ignited.

As our lips met, the kiss was slow, soft, and tender. It was warm and passionate, and we moved in a rhythmic motion, like we knew what we wanted, the whole world was ours, and nothing could stop us.

We pulled away from each other, and just kinda sat there.

I broke the silence.

"Well" I looked around, desperately trying to get away from this awkward moment.

"Um, you have a show to go to, I'm just gonna hop down from here."

Calum spoke, "Maddie wait."

I turned around.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Um, my bass needs a new strap.."

"Ok, I'll get you one."

I walked out of the room.

"Hey how's Calum?" Michael asked.

"Um he's ok." He's in his bunk meditating or something like that." I replied."

Michael laughed."He's a sore loser."

"Sure. So, Calum needs a new strap for his bass. Where can I get one?"

"The drawer over there." Michael answered.


I felt weird, but I also felt at peace. this chapter wasn't as good as I hoped it would be, but I hope you enjoyed it. I've got a lot of time on my hands so I'll be updating frequently.😊 enjoy ~Cassandra

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