Chapter 10

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"I think Calum likes you." Luke told me.

It had been about three days, and the entire bar situation had completely blown over, and now other Twitter drama was happening.

"What makes you say that?" I replied.

"I don't know. He just looks at you in a weird way."

"He looks at me?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it's always when your not looking. And then when you turn around, boom! He goes back to being an ass."

"Huh. That's strange."

"Do you like him back?" Luke asked me.

Well that's a tough one.

"Ugh..I don't know. One part of me likes him, and the other part of me despises him. One part of me feels as if he's the biggest jerk in the world, but another part of me thinks he's misunderstood? I can't tell."

"So that's a no?" He questioned.

"For now." I replied.

Calum walked in.

"Hey bitch, have you looked at my list of what to get me yet?" He asked.

I looked at Luke.

He turned to Calum.

"Aye, don't call her that."

"What? She's our assistant, isn't she supposed to assist? She's not that special." He replied.

Luke rolled his eyes, while I sighed.

"Yes, I looked at your list." I said to Calum. "And no, I can't get you new band mates."

"Shit." Calum replied. "Can you at least get us a new guitar player?" He asked.

"Hey!" Luke whined.

I chuckled.

"No." I stated. "No new band mates. But I can get you those nuts you like."

"You better make sure they're assorted or I'll have my manager fire your ass so fast." Calum told me.

Luke looked at me wide eyed, as I looked back at him, my eyebrows raised.

"Yes. I'll make sure they're assorted." I replied.

As Calum left, Luke spoke.

"How do you put up with him?"

"The same way you do." I replied. "One day at a time."

Michael walked in

"Hey guys. Ashton's face timing Emily, Calum's being a loner, and I'm bored."

"Oh that reminds me, I should probably Facetime Tina. She's expecting me to call." Luke remembered.

"Well now it's just you and me." Michael said.

"Yup." I replied.

"Hey, I was thinking, so since we're traveling to another city in like 2-4 days, can we rent out a couple of hotel rooms? Because I'm pretty sure these bunks in the tour bus aren't made for sleeping on every night." Michael asked.

"Ok, yeah sure." I replied. "How do you want to spilt up?"

"I was thinking that the boys and I go in one room while you have your own." Michael replied.

"Oh ok. So I'll just be alone." I stated.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. Aw I'm sorry, I just thought you would need your privacy-"

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