Chapter 14

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Calum was acting unusual today. He was happy and running around all over the place. He wasn't being rude to me or calling me bitch, and it was quite strange. I've never seen him like this.

"Look Michael!" Calum said as he held up a taco in front of his face.

"If this taco was on my neck instead of my head, I would be Taco Head, the superhero of Tacoville!" He exclaimed.

Michael laughed so heard that sour cream almost came out of his nose.

"Oh my gosh Calum stop. Your too funny! My stomach hurts." He started to lean over, but he fell off his chair.

I stood there and laughed, when Luke came up behind me.

"Looks like Calum's doing better." He said as he smiled to himself.

"Yeah!" I replied. "What did you put in his drink?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Luke exclaimed.

"Seriously! What did you do? Drug the boy? He's a happy dancing puppy skipping around the tour bus." I replied.

Michael stood up stumbling and hit his head on the cupboard.

"Ow! Shit that hurt!" He exclaimed.

I laughed even harder, while Michael looked at me with an angry face.

"I'm sorry Michael but that was really funny." I apologized.

"No it wasn't. Now I have a booboo." He said.

"It's ok." Calum replied. "Taco Head will come and rescue you from your booboo." He walked over to Michael, flying the taco through the air.

"YAY TACO HEAD!" Michael exclaimed.

"Actually..." Luke turned me around to face him, and we sat down at a couch nearby. "All we did was tell Calum that you liked him." He stated.

"That's it?" I replied.

I looked over at Calum who was skipping around while finishing his taco.

I looked back at Luke with a confused look on my face. "That's what made him all slaphappy? Are you sure?"

"Yup. Turns out that you liking him, gave him a huge confidence boost, and an emotional boost as well." Luke stated.

"Oh. Who knew?" I asked.

Calum came skipping over to me.

"Hey Madeline?" He questioned, dragging out my name in a cute high pitched voice.

Ugh that smile is to die for.

"Yes Calum." I replied.

"Can you come play video games with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"Awesome." He smiled and took my hand, while I got up and started to follow Calum.

He took me near the back of the tour bus, where there was a little sink and counter with cupboards above it. There was a curtain as well, just in case something happened where someone needed privacy. It was a pretty small space, but I didn't really mind.

"Um," I started to talk, looking confused. "I don't think we can play video games in here.."

He lowered he voice as he closed the curtain and ran his fingers through my hair.

He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, and I could feel my heart racing rapidly.

"I know." He whispered, his hot breath making me melt. "I don't wanna play video games."

I felt goosebumps as he got closer to me, my breathing becoming heavier, and my heart pounding louder as he leaned forward and slowly kissed me. It was different from the first time, because I could feel the passion and meaning behind the kiss. I enjoyed it a lot more, knowing that Calum actually wanted to kiss me, and that he wasn't drunk or anything.

I relaxed into the kiss, our lips syncing perfectly as I felt loved and warm. Like I was being wrapped in a soft blanket by the fireplace.

He pressed his strong hand against the small of my back, and held my left cheek in his right hand.

We stopped and he gazed at me. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." He smiled.

"Me too. But you were too much of a jerk to admit that you like me."
I replied.

"What can I say." Calum replied. "Good girls have a thing for bad boys." He smirked.

He hopped me up onto the counter, and began to kiss me again, placing his strong hands on my thighs, while I ruffled my hands through his hair, and cupped his face into my hands, finally feeling the boy I've been longing to kiss for so long.

It was never rushed, it was slow and tender, like we just discovered what we have been missing all along:

each other.

Later that night before bed, Calum came to me while I was getting ready to get into my bunk.

"Hey Calum." I said as he walked up to me.

"Hi Madeline. Can you cuddle with me tonight?" He asked. "I don't want to sleep alone."

I smiled. "Sure."

I held out my hand, and he took it as we walked to his bunk. I let him climb in before me, so I could snuggle up with him.

"Lonely now?" I asked.

"Not with you." He replied.

I lied in the crook of his arm, as I rested my head onto him.

"I've always dreamed of this moment." Calum said.

"Always? Emily was still dating you when I started working with you guys." I stated. "Haven't you and Emily done this before?" I asked.

"Yeah, but this time it's you, which is different because I actually like you." He said.

"Wait. Didn't you like Emily?" I asked.

"No. I thought I did, but it turns out that she was a controlling person, and she never let me do my own thing, or go party with other people. I guess our "love" just died away, along with our friendship." He said. "But she's with Ashton now, and I'm glad for them. They work well together. We we're both just with the wrong person." He kissed my head and I smiled to myself.

Wow. Calum was deep. I've never seen him talk so much before. He opened up to me. Maybe Ashton was right. Maybe I'm the key to changing Calum back to the way he was. I'll do anything to help him. I can't see a boy like this just fade away into his dark self.

I think this is good. It'll work out well. For the both of us.

"Cal-oh." I turned my head to see him asleep, softly snoring. He's so precious, and there is no way I'm letting this precious puppy take the wrong path.

I cuddled closer to him and pulled the blanket over us.

I kissed his arm.

Goodnight Calum.

AWWWWW YASSS OTP #Madum4life 😂😂 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It was short and sweet. ~Cassandra

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