Chapter 12

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We all got into one car, which ended up being Luke's.

It was sleek and black, and was pretty clean on the inside.

Michael spoke. "Wow Luke, for a teenage boy, your car sure is clean."

"Yeah well, I like to take care of my stuff." He replied.

"Ok. There's an address and what time their meeting is in Brock's text." I said. "But if he wanted to keep this a secret, why would he text Calum all of the info? And why would Calum delete the text?" I asked.

"Unless Calum wanted us to see it for some reason." Luke answered.

"Oh my gosh, what if this is a trap?" Tina asked.

"That's possible." I replied. "But I would go save Calum if I could, even if this is a trap." I stated.

We slowly drove up to the place that was mentioned in Brock's text, and realized that it was an old abandoned shoe warehouse.

"Well this place isn't creepy at all!" Michael remarked.

We parked around the corner, so no one could see us near the warehouse.

"Ok guys. I say we split up two and two, just in case one of us gets captured the other can go rescue Calum. Luke go with Tina, I'll go with Michael." I suggested."

"Sounds like a plan." Luke replied.

"What do we do when we actually see Calum and try to rescue him?" Tina asked.

"I don't know, whatever you think is right to do." I replied.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Ugh we don't even have a plan?"

"Well do you have one?" I asked.


"Alright then. Move out." I said.

We left and split up in the opposite directions.

"I hope Luke and Tina make it out alive." Michael said to me.

We were traveling down a dark hallway, seeing nothing but weird wires and metal bars.

"They'll be fine...hopefully." I replied.

We came to a fork in the hallway.

"Aw shit." Michael said.

"Ok should we go left or right?" I asked.

"We should go left." Michael stated. "Because in the movies, they always go right, and then they end up being killed or eaten alive or something like that."

"Ok. We'll go left then." I replied.

We turned to the left of the hallway and made our way through. The lighting seeming to grow darker and darker.

We heard faint voices and decided to follow them.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Ew! Something wet just fell on me!" Michael whispered.

I looked up. Leaky pipes.

"It's just water from the old pipes." I said.

"Ew." He replied.

There seemed to be a light at the end of the hallway, followed by a HUGE room, which I'm guessing was the middle of the warehouse.

I heard a gruff tone followed by a high Australian accent.

"Who's going to come get you now?" The gruff voice asked.

"Oh my friends are coming. I left my phone with them so they know where to find me." The Australian accent answered.

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