Chapter 4: Elaina Has An Interesting Reaction

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"I'm so glad that we get to go to school! I mean, I kinda missed it," Elaina said to Cassy as they walked through the halls of their new school.

"DAMMIT! I CAN'T FIT MY HAND IN MY CUP!!!" Cassy and Elaina turned to look at one kid, who surely couldn't fit his hand in his cup.

"Dummy," Cassy growled.

Elaina responded with, "I've done the same thing. So, am I dumb?"

"Yeah, you kind of are sometimes. But hey, I'm pretty stupid too. Remember when I crawled into a barrel and you shoved me down the hill and I couldn't get out? I thought I was gonna die. You want to know something even dumber? I thought you guys were gonna have to burn me out!" Cassy exclaimed a little too loudly.

Elaina put a hand over her mouth. "You are being way too loud. And you never told me about that last part. I never knew how dumb you could get until now."

Cassy laughed and snorted. "Ugh, I could tell you a few more things, but we need to get to class. I've heard the teachers are really chill and popular and stuff. And some can handle your sarcasm."

Elaina exclaimed, "They can!? Wow!"

Elaina and Cassy went to their first class. To their surprise it was Deacon the Beacon teaching social studies. Elaina yelled, "Yo! My dude! Friendly egg! Fistbump!"

She went up to Deacon and gave him a fistbump.

Elaina then sat down next to Cassy, eager to not learn, but to have Deacon be the teacher.

After Social Studies was done, they looked at their schedule. It was a shared schedule, even though they were a grade apart. "Well, Room 14, which is-" Cassy said, then immediately stopped.

They both looked at each other in confusion. "Fortnite Dancing?" was said simultaneously in perplexity.

"Wait, why did Sheogorath sign us up for this class? Was it a mistake?" Cassy asked, not ready to sacrifice her dignity to some Fortnite dance class.

"No, it sure wasn't. I think," Elaina said. "Well, I guess we have to go anyway. Unfortunately."

Cassy sighed and mumbled, "Maybe we should've picked out our own classes."

"We didn't really have a choice, y'know," Elaina pointed out.

"Oh, yeah," Cassy said, recalling the fact that Sheogorath just pushed them off to school without telling them much other than to not cause too much trouble.

They walked into Room 14 and sat down in two of the empty seats next to each other. On the board, there was what seemed to be a stream of a Zoom meeting with kids on there, some even dressed in Fortnite costumes. "Oh god," Elaina mumbled.

Cassy looked around the class, observing the faces of the other kids there but making sure to not make direct eye contact because that was hella awkward for both ends. For the most part, the children looked normal, and Cassy silently wondered what was so different about this school other than a Fortnite dance class and Deacon as a teacher.

"Hey! Where's the teacher?" Elaina asked, not being able to see whoever directed this one.

A kid wearing a hoodie said, "Not here yet. He'll be here soon."

"Won't he get mad at you for wearing a hood though?" she asked the kid.

"I'll take it off when he gets in here," the kid assured Elaina.

"Doubt, but okay," she said.

Then the door opened.

Elaina gasped, and Cassy looked at the teacher in confusion.

"Is that... the Witcher dude?" Elaina asked.

"Hmm," Cassy said, pondering it, and Elaina followed it with a muffled, "Fuck."

"No eating in class," Geralt said.

Everyone put away their food. Well, most of the kids did. Mainly the ones in the front. The kids in the back were still eating like it was Thanksgiving, and to say little of the kids in the back of the online class. One kid on the screen had a literal feast.

First, there was the role call. Even though Cassy had to mentally prepare to call out "HERE!" it all went smoothly. Even for the kids in the online class.

"Toss a coin to your witcher, oh valley of plenty, oh valley of ple-" Elaina sang, but stopped when the teacher looked at her.

Then, everyone in the class heard a loud fart. Everyone tried to hold in their laughter except for the kids in the online class who didn't hear it. One kid laughed so hard he had to be sent outside.

Elaina stared at Cassy with the largest eyes she had seen ever since she got kicked halfway across their living room. "You okay?" Cassy asked.

"I think," Elaina whispered.

"Okay," Cassy whispered back and didn't think much of it.

While the teacher was explaining the historical impact of the Fortnite dance, Elaina had pulled out a piece of paper and was writing something frantically. If you played the Spiderman Pizza Time theme, it would've gone perfectly with it.

When she finished scribbling out the note, she handed it to Cassy. It said, I was the one who farted in class. Laugh all you want, but the warmth hasn't gone away. I need you to distract the Witcher dude while I go fix shit. Literally, maybe.

Cassy tried to not laugh, and nodded at her sister.

Cassy raised her hand, and the Witcher dude said, "Yes. What is your question?"

"I... uh... would like to demonstrate my flossing moves. Like, uh, bad," she said, social situations often freaking her out.

"Hmm," the Witcher dude said. "Fine."

"Okay, okay," Cassy said, taking a deep breath and going to the front of the class.

She started flossing, having a few years of practice. Well, only about two, but still good enough. Everyone watched her, even the kids in the online class, giving Elaina enough time to escape. Cassy then realized what horrible fate she had forced upon herself. She would have to distract the entire class until Elaina got back.

"Oh, I can do the default dance too!" Cassy exclaimed.

She started doing the said dance, and out of nowhere, the default dance music started to play. While a bit weird, it helped her time the moves. Something we really should mention is that Cassy has never played Fortnite in her life and only knew the dances from the countless amounts of memes she watches.

Elaina still wasn't back yet, and Cassy wasn't about to get them both in trouble. She had to do something else. She only knew one other Fortnite dance, and she wasn't particularly good at it. However, from another legendary game, she knew another dance, one so perfect it spans all lengths of time...

She dropped to the floor and started doing the Kazotsky Kick by some miracle. The telltale music played in the background and everyone joined in, though some were more unsuccessful than others. Even the kids online started doing the classic dance. One kid fell down.

Just then, Cassy saw as Elaina entered the room once again, and she stopped dancing. She got up and ran back to her seat, and the music stopped. Elaina whispered, "Thank you."

Cassy simply nodded, feeling happy that she managed to survive a social situation.

While the teacher was talking, Cassy turned to Elaina and asked quietly, "Did you really shit yourself?"

"PERHAPS," was all she said.

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