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Third POV:
(It will probably be third POV the entire book unless I say otherwise)

The light sides weren't the only ones with a surprise that morning. When the three dark sides rose up they were met with not three sides but four (not including Thimas).

"Who's…this?" Janus hesitated, motioning to the pastel purple side. "They claim to be Virgil's opposite" Logan told the three. "Hi! I'm Vee's opposite! I represent curiosity and carelessness!" The cheery side spoke up. 

All the dark sides seemed to have a different reaction. 
Janus seemed thoughtful, as if they didn't believe the new light side,
Remus was also staring questionably, wondering if he needs to introduce himself in song again,
And Patton seemed fine, but inside he was nervous. Something about it just didn't seem right.

"Well, we also have some news" Janus announced. He seemed nervous like he didn't know if this was the best idea. "Patton, Remus and I are totally not dating" The light sides seemed stunned, as if they didn't expect it no matter how many hints the three gave off the last month.

"Can you excuse us. We need to privately talk with Patton" Roman stood, grabbing Patton's hand and leading him into the kitchen. Logan got up next and left, and before Virgil left, he spoke to the other two. "I don't know what they have planned. They almost seem as protective as you, Janus. I just want to say I support you three" and with a small wave, he went to the kitchen, leaving the two dark sides in uncomfortable silence, staring at the new light side wondering if they should talk.

The sight Virgil was met with was not very pretty. The two light sides seemed to have backed up Patton to the counter, and were showering him with questions. He couldn't tell if the questions were good or bad, but Patton seemed really anxious. 

"Guys…" Virgil said, trying to get their attention. "Guys… Guys!" The sides all turned their gaze to him. "Y-your scaring Patt" Roman and Logan turned to Patton, who seemed to think more shouting was going to happen, and shrinked back.

Logan and Roman saw how scared Patton was, and stepped back. "Sorry" came from Roman. "My apologies, Patton" came from Logan. 

"We are actually…very exited about your new relationship." Logan said, readjusting his glasses again, something he seemed to do when he showed or talked about emotions.

Patton smiled in thanks. "So two questions: Are you guys a thing now and can I go back to my boyfriend's?" Virgil laughed and Roman and Logan flushed red. "W-well, no. Not yet, anyways. And yes, let's head back" Logan said and they all walked back to the living room.

When they entered the room, they saw the light side happily bouncing on the couch and Janus holding a pillow as a shield with Remus cowering behind him.

"H-he is almost. Almost as innocent as Patton. We're getting out of here. 'Cmon, Patton," Patton giggled and took Janus' hand, the three sinking out. 

"So, what did he say?" Patton asked when they got back. "Umm…nothing" Janus said, practically running to his room. Remus composed himself and smirked, about to tell him but a shout came from Janus' room. "Don't you dare tell him, Remus!"

A/N) Okay I have no idea what I just wrote but I do know the next chapter will include angst. Why did I write more fluff? This is supposed to be angst! ;-;

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