𝕀𝕀 𝔾𝔼𝕋ℍ𝔼ℝ - 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 (4)

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It's morning and I come down for breakfast. I eat and head out to the bakery store. There's nothing much to say about what I do in there, we just arrange bread and sell them. When we get hungry, we order delivery food. I think I'm becoming closer to the people here, I never have this feeling in such a long time.


At 4 PM I got off work, luckily it's not raining today. I walk to the bus and see Ian sitting there waiting.

I walk and sit next to him, "Hi, Ian, I didn't get to hand you this," I give him the umbrella.
"Oh, you really don't have to. But thanks," he takes it.
"How's your day?" I ask.
"Just like any other day, nothing new."
"So is that a good thing?" I look at him.
"Have you ever just felt like not looking forward to anything before?" He looked at me.
"Um...of course. It's normal to feel that way because our feelings are used to it. But sometimes when something we never expect to happen, we get excited." I smile.
"What makes you excited?" He looks serious.
"This is so sudden, um well, I personally have things I can't move on from on my own. Although I can't move on, I still try to cope with it day by day. I think that's what I should at least do for myself, no one will."
"I think people who love you will if they care for you. To be honest, since my parents went to jail, I have had a really hard time. I feel bad for Mia, although she doesn't show it, she's hurt too." Ian looks down on the ground.
I look at him again, about his parents and that he is open to sharing it with me, "I'm pretty sure your parents love you too, whatever or who they become, they are your parents after all."
He looks at me with his sad eyes, "because they are my parents which is why it's hard for me to forgive them."

Ian looks like he is about to cry but I think he holds in because he doesn't want to appear weak. At this moment, I really want to become close to him. I want to be there for him, and tell him that it's okay. I don't know if he has someone to trust, but I feel happy that he shares about himself to me. It makes it hard to not notice it, and now that I do, Ian deserves all the happiness.

We got on the bus and none of us is saying anything. I want to ask him more about his situation but that would seem rude. If he wants to tell me, he would, I don't have to ask him. Since he's not saying anything more about it, I think it's not the right time.


"Luna, come over here. Your favorite food!" My mom shows me a bag of fried chicken while Aunt Ava is preparing the drinks.
"That's amazing! I totally crave for some." I hurry over.

I look at the boxes, there are so many different flavors. Honestly, if I watch a drama while eating this I would finish the boxes before I even realized it.

Aunt Ava put down the drinks, "give my smoothie a try," she put it down on the table.
I bite on the chicken, "why are there 4 cups?"
Aunt Ava laughs, "I guess you don't notice..."
"Hmmm?" I curiously ask.

I look on our left, a boy is heading to our direction. He looks like he just came out of the shower.

"Son, come over and have some chicken. Your favorite!" Aunt Ava drags him to the table.
"Hi Aunt Sara, it's been a while." Aaron grabs a chicken.
"Yup, how're things over there?" My mom asked.
"All fine," he smiles.

It's him, Aaron. He's actually back and sitting on the same table as me. I wonder if I'm invisible to him because he doesn't even say anything. I mean, I don't really expect him to greet me, but still.

"You two don't say hi?" Aunt Ava hands Aaron the smoothie.
"What?" He looks up.
"You don't remember Luna?" Aunt Ava crosses her hands.
Aaron looks at me, "do I have to?"
"No-, yeah no," I stutter.
"Aaron, don't treat Luna like that. She has been living with us for a long time, you could have at least greeted her." Aunt Ava sits down.
"Mom, not everything is about this girl," he looks annoyed.

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