𝕀𝕀 𝔾𝔼𝕋ℍ𝔼ℝ - 𝑀𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 (12)

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Today is the camping trip, my mom, Aunt Ava, Aaron, and Krystal are coming. We will be going to a forest that has an ocean view and a wooden house. Although we are camping, we will use a wooden house for bathing and other uses.

We are ready and are in front of the house waiting for our driver. I didn't bring much, only a backpack with my clothes and some snacks. For other things, my mom and Aunt Ava already prepared them. I see Aaron bringing a suitcase and so does Krystal. Krystal dresses fancy and is sticking to Aaron all the time, just like gum.


We all get in the car and I sit on the passenger seat while the others are in the back. Further, into the ride, everyone is sleeping. Then, I get a random text.

??: Noisy

I look at Aaron in the back, he points at his phone telling me to text him.

Me: How did you know my number?
Aaron: I asked your mom.
Me: So what's up?
Aaron: Get some sleep.
Me: I will.
Aaron: Are you lonely sitting up there?
Me: I like to be alone.
Aaron: Nah, you should have sat with me.
Me: Too bad.
Aaron: Too bad that I sat with Krystal?
Me: No
Aaron: Then what?
Me: Whatever
Aaron: I'm looking forward to the camping trip.
Me: Same.
Aaron: Are you going to ignore me during this trip?
Me: Who says?
Aaron: Well we haven't talked today.
Me: That doesn't mean I will ignore you.
Aaron: You said it, keep your words.
Me: If there's not anything else, I'm turning off my phone.
Aaron: Save my number. Don't delete it.
Me: Bye.

I turn off my phone and close my eyes for a nap.


"Luna, wake up, we arrived," my mom shakes my shoulder.
"Oh...we are here?" I open my eyes.
"Come and help us," she says.

I get out of the car and Aaron comes up to me.

"You slept well," he says.
"I'm just tired," I say.
"You couldn't sleep last night?" He asks.
"No," I yawn.
"You stayed up," he has that doubting face.
"Sure," I say.
"Go inside the house and wash up your face. We will set up the tents outside," he says.
I nod, "okay."

I go to the wooden house, it's really warm in here. I go to the restroom and wash my face. I come out and see them setting up the tents.

"Someone just doesn't bother to help," Krystal says.
"Sorry, I was in the restroom," I say and hurry to help them.
"Did you see any of us go? Only you," she says.
"I told her to go," Aaron looks at Krystal.
"It was my fault, I should have helped out first," I say.
"It's okay, Luna is helping us right now," Aunt Ava says to Krystal.

Krystal didn't say anything.


We finish setting up our tents. Aunt Ava and my mom will sleep in one tent, Krystal and I will share, and Aaron will be alone.

I take my things in the tent and Krystal also comes in.

"Hey, make sure to leave me a big space. I have a bad sleeping habit so I might kick you," she says.
"Don't worry, I also have a bad sleeping habit. Be careful, because my hand might smack into your face," I smile.
She comes closer and whispers, "Is this how are you gonna play?"
"Why are you whispering, are you scared?" I ask.
"Crazy," she says.
"If I'm crazy then you are double crazy," I laugh.
"What did you just say?" She gasped.
"You heard me," I say with a straight face.
"Does Aaron know that you are like this?"
"Oh, he knows but he doesn't mind. What about you? Does he know that you talk badly to others when he's not around?" I ask.
"Stop saying as if you and Aaron have a thing going on," she glares at me.
I smile, "are you scared that I might take him away from you?"
"You crazy bitc-"
"Oh, cursing at me won't do you anything good. Because...Aaron will never think of you anything more than friends," I walk outside of the tent.

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