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Yo, Hayama. Can we postpone the shokugeki you requested? I'll be going somewhere and I am not sure when I'll be back. By the way, can you air up the diner for me once a week? You aren't that busy, right? You can ask the others for help. I'll cook you something very delicious as soon as I get back. Thanks, Hayama!

- Soma Yukihira

"That's what he said in the note. Damn that Yukihira! Who does he think I am, his helper?!" The then long-haired, spice expert chef blurted out while dusting a table.

"Yet here you are doing what he asked you to do. Anyway, I thought he said he's back here for good but this?" Takumi Aldini sighed in disbelief of what his rival had done again whilst cleaning the kitchen area of the Yukihira family restaurant.

"I thought so too. But i guess Nakiri's comment on his dish last time might be the reason. Thanks for accompanying me, by the way." Said Hayama.

The two world famous chefs decided to meet at the diner to air it out, as what the redhead had requested. No matter how insufferable the guy is, there is just something about him that they can't seem to refuse his favors.

"No problem, I've got nothing much to do today anyway. But do you think he knows about Nakiri-san's disappearance? Takumi questioned.

"I don't know, maybe? He must've heard the news by now. I mean, it's all over the media." Came Hayama's reply as he continues to dust off the rest of the tables and chairs. A week had already passed since the news of Erina's disappearance and since he received Soma's note. He and the rest of his rebel friends can't pinpoint whether everything is an agreement or just mere coincidence. Who knows? After all, the two are seemingly alike when it comes to keeping their plans from their friends and doing unforeseen decisions. But still, they find it odd that they both vanished at the same day, almost at the same time, despite the uncertainty of when Soma really went away and the unknown reasons as to why they're gone. Nevertheless, all of them are waiting for only one thing- Soma and/or Erina's call.

Hayama and Takumi finally finished their task and decided to call it a day.


The sound of birds chirping, the ray of sunshine that went through her bedroom window, and the smell of something being fried awoken Megumi from her deep slumber. She got up, stepped out from her bed, and went to admire the early morning view of their backyard from the window. Ah, it feels good to be home, she thought while smiling.

Her state of tranquility was cut shortly by a sudden phone call. Seeing the caller's ID, she instantaneously remembered the news she heard a month ago that brought chaos in Japan and the entire culinary folks.

"Hello? S-soma-kun?" Megumi stuttered, almost not believing that the redhead chef, her guy best friend, is currently phoning her after not hearing a tidbit of information from him for quiet sometime.

"Hey, Tadokoro!" A bright and excited voice of Soma was heard through the speaker. "How ya been?"

The blue-haired girl wanted to rant at the guy for acting like nothing happened but she's kinda lost for words and she's not the Yuki Yoshino type to just nag at him.

"Hello, Tadokoro? Are you there?" Soma spoke again after not hearing a reply.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I went home just recently. How about you, Soma-kun? And where are you now?" Megumi finally responded.

"I'm doing great here in Amsterdam. This place is so cool, foods are savory, and the people are friendly too." As soon as Soma stopped talking, Megumi heard a faint call of the golden-eyed boy's name. If she's not mistaken, it's a female voice.

"I see. Are you with someone at the moment, Soma-kun?" She can't help but be curious.

"Yeah. An impatient customer just called." Another mumbling can be heard. "In any case, do you still remember the place where you've ridden a sleigh with those huskies? I wanted to go there and experience it too that's why I called to ask." Soma then snickered.

Megumi couldn't catch up everything. She wanted to know why Soma left Japan when she and their friends thought he's gonna stay for awhile. She wanted to know when he is coming back. She wanted to know if he has heard about Erina. But with their on going conversation, it's less likely to happen.

Soma spoke again after not hearing a sound from Megumi. "Tadokoro? You see, I'm in a hurry so can you please tell me now before my customer kills me? He joked.

"Oh, right! Sorry Soma-kun. Uhm, it's in Alaska."

"Yosh! Thanks a bunch, Tadokoro. I'll be going now. Say Hi to Takumi for me, o'right? Bye!"

"H-huh? We're not even toge- " She wasn't able to finish speaking when a beep sound was made, indicating that the other person already hang up.

Soma-kun hasn't changed. But what's with the sudden mention of Takumi? Megumi contemplated, a blush slowly forming on her cheeks. She then made her way outside her room as she type a text to be sent to Takumi.


That is all for this chapter. :)

By the way, this story happened after the manga's Lé Dessert entry. The ending is very unsatisfying to me and my Sorina shipper self just can't accept the fact that there's not much of Soma and Erina's blossoming relationship in it despite the author saying that they got married.

Petition for an entry of their wedding or life after marriage! Hahahaha. Kidding, but I would definitely love that. ;)

Thank you for reading and sorry for the errors. English isn't my first language, not even the second. Haha.

Anyhow, keep safe lovelies!

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