Senzaemon's schemes

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Erina walked her way towards her grandfather's office after being summoned by him 5 minutes ago. He requested that she should bring Hina and Sora with her. Senzaemon wasn't able to welcome them on the night of their arrival for he was asleep already. Maybe that's why he called this early. The blonde thought.

She made a few knocks on the old man's office door.

"Come in."

As soon as the door opened, Hina sprinted towards her great-grandfather who is also extending his arms to catch her.

"Great grandpa!" Hina excitedly exclaimed.

"Woah! You've grown a lot since the last time I saw you." Said the doting great-grandfather as he hugged the little girl. He then proceeded on carrying Sora who is babbling something, trying to call the old man. Poor baby, still can't speak fully. "You too, Sora." He said, smiling widely as the small boy willingly submitted himself to his great-grandpa.

"Ohayo, grandfather." Greeted Erina with a nervous smile.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Came a familiar voice so suddenly. Erina turned hear head towards the source of the noise and there she saw her half-Danish cousin sitting comfortably at one of the office chairs. Why didn't she noticed Alice's presence? Ah, maybe because her skin complexion somewhat camouflaged with the color of the white wall. Erina laughed inwardly at the sight.

"You've seen them before, grandfather? I thought you said you didn't know anything?!" Alice continued while eyeing both her cousin and grandfather suspiciously. The two just both sighed. Alice deserves an explanation after all.


Two days since Soma and Erina's agreement on going abroad together, the Nakiri heiress can't stay still.

She's nervous as fuck.

One, it would be her first time going to a place other than Japan with someone, a guy named Soma to be specific.

Two, she has no idea how to tell her grandfather. Would he allow her? Maybe not. Would he think she's crazy? Probably.

Nevertheless, Erina knew she has to tell the former Director. How? She'll deal with that later at the mansion, in his office.

The blonde arrived at the Nakiri manor not long after she had her dilemma. She's tired from all the work at school and from thinking about a certain redhead...

'...wait, what? No, it's not like he occupies my mind all the time! It was from thinking about telling grandfather. Yup, that surely is!' Erina convinced herself mentally, too grossed out of her Soma lovestruck self.

Erina shook her head to erase the embarrassing thought. She has to focus on her current predicament. She held her breath longer than normal before sauntering towards Senzaemon's office.

She knocked weakly, afraid that the old man might hear it and know about her presence. She's on a deadlock once again.

'Ahhh! This can't be! Focus, Erina. You're a responsible, grown woman.'

She boosted her ego and knocked thrice, this time louder than the previous ones.

"G-grandfather, are you there? M-may I come in?" Erina managed to ask

"No problem, Erina." An answer was heard from inside the room.

"Yo, Nakiri!" The voice of the guy who has been occupying the blonde's mind lately greeted her as she entered the room.

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