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Erina is busy watching something on Youtube through her phone while waiting for the plane to land when she felt a light tug of her sleeve. Turning her head, she's met with a poker faced little girl sitting beside her, eyes looking a bit annoyed and small arms crossing over her chest. Erina almost had a laugh.

"What is it, hun?" She asked her 3-year-old daughter, trying her best not to crack up at her demeanor. It's easy to say where she got that from.

"I'm hungry but you're busy with your phone." Spoke Hina with an irritated tone, eyebrows furrowed, and a cute pout which Erina can't help but pinch the child's cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Nana. I'll ask them for food, okay?" Erina kissed her fuming daughter's forehead then called the attention of the flight attendant and ordered their food.

They've been on that plane for almost 12 hours making Erina's butt muscles to ache. Hina, however, did not seem to mind the long hour flight. As she continues to rummage through her phone, she remembered that she haven't been on social media for 5 years already. Thinking that it's time for her to activate once again, she decided to do it when they get home.

Erina wondered if the drivers are at the airport already. She asked her cousin to let the Nakiri drivers fetch her, without saying that she's not alone, specifically instructing her not to tell anyone, and that she needs at least two cars. When Alice questioned about it, she used the "too many luggages" excuse. It's not that she doesn't want Alice to know, she just doesn't want to deal with too many questions from the crimson-eyed girl at the moment. Maybe later at the mansion.

"Mommy, is aunt Alice already waiting for us?" Hina asked while munching on her food.

"At the mansion, yes. Be sure to show her your cutest smile when you see her."  Erina then winked at her.

Thinking about it, she doesn't really know how her ever so loud cousin would react, and the rest of her Totsuki friends. She has a mixture feelings creeping inside her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to reach Japan in 10 minutes so hold on to your seats." Announced the attendant which made Erina more nervous as heck. This is it.

Ten minutes had passed and its time for all the passengers to go. Erina held her daughter's hand, put on her sunglasses, deeply breathed in and out, before completely coming out from the gate.


Flashes of camera lights greeted Erina and her daughter once she stepped out of the plane. Hundreds of fans, news reporters, vloggers, and journalists gathered together in that certain gate to welcome the long lost Headmistress and bearer of the God's tongue. To their surprise, she wasn't alone. There stood a smiling little girl, gripping Erina's hand tightly while waving her free hand at the crowd.

What the fuck is this?! Erina silently cursed to herself. She unmistakably directed Alice not to tell anyone which the latter promised. But this?

"Man! You didn't wait for us, Nakiri." A familiar voice was heard not just by Erina but by the whole mob.

Oh no.

And there emerged the ever so nonchalant guy tagged as The Storm or The Jewel Generation's General, Soma Yukihira with a grin plastered on his face and a sleeping tiny boy in his arms.

"Wow! Didn't expect these many people to welcome us." Soma happily said and smiled at the shocked faces of the people.

Who would've thought that the two notorious individuals of the culinary world  would be seen arriving together, not to mention the two children along with them.

Everyone that witnessed the scene are dumbfounded, news reporters unable to continue talking in front of the camera, and the equally shocked live viewers across the globe almost choked at their own spit.

"I swear I'm gonna kill someone right now." Erina murmured and hastily grabbed Soma and Hina's hand as the crowd resume at a chaotic state.


The four managed to get through the mob of people to their car without a scratch. And there situated at the front seat was the suspect of the crime.

"What the actual fuck, Alice?! I thought I told you not to tell anyone about this?!" Erina said almost like a whisper so as not to awaken her sleeping kids and be heard cursing by her husband.

"I promise I didn't tell anyone." Alice replied unconcerned.

"So care to explain those hundreds of people out there?" The blonde retorted.

"I might have tweeted about it 2 days ago when you called me. Hehehe. You aren't checking your Twitter?" Alice admitted seeing the raging face of her cousin.

"Dammit! You basically announced it to the entire world!" Erina sighed in defeat.

"Look, I'm sorry." The troublemaker apologized, seemingly not guilty of what she had done whatsoever.  "Now CARE TO EXPLAIN all this, Erina?!" She snapped back earning her a firm stare from the blonde.

Just when Erina's about to respond...

"Yo, other Nakiri! It's been awhile. Thanks for fetching us, by the way. Though Erina here told me it'd be only the drivers." Soma spoke, not knowing what the two women had recently argued about.

"Hi, Yukihira-kun. Mind explaining to me this whole thing since Erina's still can't get over that event at the airport." Alice said giggling.

"Huh? Oh, that's right. This is Hina, our 3-year-old daughter. You can call her Nana if ya like. She takes up much of Erina's personality though, as much as I hate to admit it. And this is her brother, Sora. Sounds just like my name. Cool, right? He's turning two this year, by the way." Soma, being the doting father that he is, introduced their sleeping kids with much enthusiasm.

"They're so cuteee!" Alice exclaimed in delight. "Can I hold Sora when we get home?" She added.

"No, you can't." Came the mother's reply.

"Mou, Erina! You're still as strict as ever!" Alice complained.

"I can't let my precious baby boy be held by a misdoer like you." Erina then raised her eyebrow.

"Fine! But you better tell me everything once we get home." Alice huffed in response.

"Shh, be quite! The kids are sleeping." The blonde reprimanded.

The car ride to the Nakiri mansion became a bit peaceful after that, with chef Soma sleeping soundly with the kids and Alice talking on and on about her life as the Dean, her wedding with her long-time aide, and the birth of their son Riku. Pretty much everything for a 4 hour drive.

"Which reminds me, are you still a Nakiri or have you become a Yukihira?" The half-Danish suddenly asked.

"I am both, Alice." Erina smirked. "I use Nakiri-Yukihira now." Then a smile.

Looking at her blonde cousin, Alice can see the happiness in her that she haven't seen before and with that, she's in no doubt that Yukihira-kun and her two extremely cute offsprings are the reason.

She has a lot of stories to tell though. Be ready, Erina. Alice thought with an evil smile.


Weew! That was tough, at least for me. 😅

The following chapters would be about what really happened before the disappearance and the journey that Soma and Erina embarked before finally coming back to Japan.

And maybe how Hina and Sora came to be. ;)

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