Alice's schemes

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"Mommy, mommy!" Hina called while shaking her mother's sleeping form. She's hitting two birds in one stone because the man beside her mom woke up instead, while Erina just moved for a second and went back to sleep.

"Wake upppppp!" The 3-year-old tried again but to no avail.

"Good morning, princess. Why are you up early today?" Soma asked his daughter while wiping a little drool on the side of his mouth that has become dried.

"Because I need to wake mommy up." The small blonde girl with golden eyes answered.

Soma lifted Hina up to join him in bed.

"And why is that?"

"Auntie Alice told me not to tell you unless she says so." Came Hina's rather honest reasoning.

Soma chuckled at his daughter's answer and kissed her forehead.

"I don't think mommy is waking up anytime soon, princess. Let me tell you a better strategy." The father suggested.


After Hina's innocent query, Soma whispered something to her that made Nana's eyes shine mischievously. Not long after the whole whispering...

"Mommy, wake up! Sora's crying nonstop!"

In an instant, Erina's then sleeping figure is nowhere to be found. She dashed to her son's room to check on him only to find him still on a deep slumber.

My own daughter tricked me? Where did she learned that from?

Oh, fuck it! Of course, it has to be him.

Erina angrily went back to her room to scold the culprit.

"It worked, daddy! She's finally awake now." Hina declared happily and immediately run towards her mother to hug her. Erina melted at the act

I guess I have to save the beating for later.

Meanwhile, Soma regretted suggesting it to Nana because in front of him is his wife with black aura all over her while shooting invisible daggers at him through her eyes. He can only gulp the lump on his throat at the sight.


"What do you want, Alice?"

After being woken up by Hina and being told that her auntie was the one who instructed her to do so, Erina went straight to the living room where the white-haired girl is currently watching her favorite reality show.

"Good morning to you too, Erina."

"Just get straight to the point. What do you want? I'm not in the mood to satisfy your desire of annoying me." Erina answered frankly.

"Mou Erina~ you're still as mean as ever. It's early in the morning. Can I at least get a greeting?" Alice huffed with a pout.

"Good morning, Alice. There, happy now? So what is it? I don't have much time, I need to prepare breakfast for the three." The blonde then sat at the end of the couch opposite to Alice.

"Okay. Nana already knew about this and she promised to help me so don't worry. Also, I have prepared everything like the venue, foods, guests, dresses, and all." Alice explained like Erina already know of what she's talking about.

"W-what? Wait a second, Alice. Venue? Foods? Guests? Dresses? What the hell are you talking about?" Erina asked, clearly annoyed. She guessed it's another party that her cousin wanted to host for their friends.

"Oops, sorry. I thought Nana told you. We will be preparing for your wedding 3 months from now." Alice said nonchalantly.

"What?! Excuse me but I'm already married!" The purple-eyed remarked, already angry at her cousin's ridiculousness.

"Geeez, calm down. I know you're already married. It's not like you are going to wed with a different guy, it's still Yukihira-kun. This wedding will be like a renewal of vows for the two of you. Ofufu~ I'm getting excited already." Alice said dreamily.

Renewal of vows? I'm sure that's in front of too many people. There's no way we're going to that. I've said my vows years ago, I'm sure Soma doesn't need to be reminded.

"Oh, by the way, I've told Yukihira-kun about this and he said it's a brilliant idea. I already made him choose a suit." The half-Danish added which made Erina's blood to boil and a non-existent smoke come out from her nose.

"Alice, remind me to strangle a red-haired guy later. Anyway, there won't be any wedding or renewal of vows to happen. Cancel all your plans, I'm not agreeing to this." Erina stated.

At that, Alice can't help but feel disappointed. She was so excited since last night when that idea came to her mind and the thought of planning everything but Erina just rejected it.

*Sniff, sniff, sniff*

Erina heard sniffs and when she looked closely at her cousin, she found out she's crying.

Oh, for goodness' sake! Alice still cries at an age like this?!

"H-hey, Alice. W-why are you crying?" Erina asked concerned.

There was no answer, only sniffs and whimpers.

"L-look I'm sorry if that made you feel upset. Can you please stop crying now? You're an adult." The Dean tried to console her cousin.

"Do you know how much planning me and Nana had to make for that and you just rejected it instantly without even considering the money I already payed for all the stuff? Nana can't even give her share! Yukihira-kun already agreed and his suit is already being made. I haven't witnessed your wedding years ago because your bitch ass decided to keep everything a secret and now that I want to see it with my own eyes, you just have to deprive me from it by rejecting it like that?! Erina so meaaan!!!!" Alice brawled like a 5-year-old child.

Asking Nana for a share of costs? The fuck? She's 3 years old, you baka.

Nevertheless, Erina felt guilty at what Alice said. It's true though, she had deprive her and every person that loves them from her wedding, an event where all your loved ones is suppose to witness. Back in the day, the only individuals present during the ceremony were the ones who went to their engagement less than chef Dojima. Knowing Alice, she's fond at attending parties and much more when it comes to weddings, so it must've been so disappointing for her.

Erina sighed deeply while looking at her still crying cousin.

Well, maybe a renewal of vows isn't a bad idea.

"Alice, tell me everything about your plans and preparations. I need every little details. And I need Hisako to know about this as well." Erina spoke.

Hearing that, Alice jumped from her seat and suddenly, it's as if she hadn't cried just a moment ago. (There were no tears actually)

"Kyaaaaa! I know you'll agree to this. Okay, we'll talk about the details after breakfast. Gotta go, Erina. Talk to you later!" Alice said excitedly

"Oh, and don't worry about Hishoko-chan, she already know as well as the rest of our friends." She added, winking at her cousin while giggling.

Erina was dumbfounded. Alice could really be out of hand. Even so, a smile was formed on the blonde's lips.

Alice, you baka.

"Hey, Alice! Wait up! It's time for you to change Sora's diaper and the laundry's waiting!"

True enough, Alice reluctantly changed Sora and Riku's diaper and did the laundry.

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