The Dean

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"Erina, are you willing to become Totsuki's Dean once again?" The old man finally spoke.

Erina doesn't know how to react at her grandfather's question. Part of her is happy  that Senzaemon still wants her to run the school but she's mostly bewildered.

Bewildered because she thinks she's not fit to head Totsuki anymore after making a selfish decision 5 years ago. She didn't regret it though. But talking about handling the school once again after abandoning it, she feels unworthy.

Before she can answer, Senzaemon-dono continued.

"I know you feel undeserving Erina. But everyone thinks otherwise. Right, Alice?" He then turned to face his other granddaughter and urged her to say something.

"Yeah. As much as I loathe to admit it, but you're the best fit to lead Totsuki Academy. And I don't want that job anymore. It's giving me so much stress but thankfully, with my intelligence, beauty, and extraordinary skills, I was able to run the academy perfectly. But 5 years is enough already." Alice sing-songed, face full of pride. At the far end of the mansion, Ryo suddenly felt annoyed for no definite reason.

Erina just rolled her eyes while listening to her cousin's declaration. This girl, really. But deep down inside, she's really proud of Alice and she would never tell her.

"Well, if that's your claim why don't you continue to be the Headmistress?" The blonde retorted with a smirk.

"Ofufu. Am I really this good that Totsuki and Nakiri International both need me? I'm flattered." The red-eyed woman said with her signature giggle. "I'm sorry, dearest cousin, but Nakiri International needs my genius mind more." She continued

"She's right, Erina. In 4 months time, she'll be flying to Scandinavia with Ryo and Riku." Senzaemon supported.

It seems that the Senzaemon and Alice are really joining together in convincing her.

"But if you really can't, I think I have no choice but to pass the position to your husband Soma." The old man added, hoping this time it'll work.

Erina almost gagged at the mention of the redhead.

"I'm sorry, what?" All she could say.

Soma as Headmaster? No way! That's like the most ridiculous thing to even consider. He can't even change Sora's diaper correctly. No hate, Soma, just stating facts. The blonde thought.

Soma who's currently experimenting at the mansion's main kitchen, sneezed.

"Grandfather, we can't have a diner and second-rate chef run over Totsuki." Said the very own wife of that diner and second-rate chef.

"We don't have a family member left who can take over it if you won't. Both Soe and Leonora are about to retire. Mana has WGO, Azami's taking care of our businesses abroad, and Asahi can only commit on being an instructor as he also has other ventures other than that." Senzaemon said as a matter of fact.

"Can I have days to decide, grandfather?" Erina proposed. She's more than half convinced but still undecided.

"Of course, you ca-" The old man wasn't able to finish his statement.

"Oh, c'mon Erina. I thought you're better than that. You can't decide now? Mou~ Erina's a coward and a weakling." Alice used the best strategy she can't think of to persuade the God's tongue bearer and it is through shaking her pride. It is also what she's good at when it comes to annoying her beloved cousin.

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