A Dose of Redhead

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When Erina thought that her half-Danish cousin is really serious of her role as the maid of honor, boy she was wrong. It was actually Hisako who did almost everything and all Alice did was tell Erina's longtime aide about what she wants to happen.

Why did I even thought about it? It's Alice after all.

She is currently at a wide veranda in one of the Nakiri family's villas, enjoying her morning coffee. However, she couldn't fully savor the moment for her mind wandered back at the mansion where she left her kids with Mana, Azami, and Asahi. She is worried sick that Sora might cry nonstop looking for her and reject every food that's given to him. With Nana, not that much since the child can basically enjoy almost everything, not minding who she is with. Moreover, she loves playing with her grandparents and uncle.

Erina would be away for 2 days and 1 night for a bridal shower which Alice strongly insisted and nearly cried without tears again when the blonde disapproved few days ago. She originally planned on doing it somewhere outside the country but Erina rejected it again, not liking the idea of being too far from her son and daughter.

Meanwhile, on Hawaii, the boys celebrated their bachelor's party for Soma that was headed by the one and only party lover and naked apron aficionado Isshiki-senpai.

The day before their departure, Erina gathered her husband, parents, and older brother for a meeting. It was a very serious discussion on babysitting Hina and Sora, with topics such as the strict type and amount of milk for the 1-year-old, the changing of diapers, Hina's bedtime stories to be followed in exact sequence, prohibition of eating too much sweets and candies, and many many more. Soma was present there just to laugh when he's told to demonstrate few things and annoy the hell out of Erina.

I did not forget anything on that discussion, right? I hope so. Erina thought and a sigh escaped her lips. Speaking of Soma... she took out her phone and dialed his number. When the redhead answered, there were sounds like girls laughing and people chatting in the background. Erina gritted her teeth at those girls.

"Yo, wife. Miss me already?" Came Soma's greeting.

"Silence! Where the fuck are you right now?"

"Woah, chill. I'm at the beach tryna get a tanned skin. Bet you'll like it when I get home." Soma answered, oblivious at his flaring wife.

Just then, a woman spoke to the red-haired chef with a very flirty tone.

"You're chef Soma, right? I see that you're all alone here. Mind if I join you?"

At that, Erina just wanted to teleport to Hawaii and strangle the life out of that thicked-face woman.

"Huh? Ah, yeah. You can use the vacant ones there." There goes his dense and clueless attitude that Erina worries about.

"What I meant was to join with you here, not on the vacant ones. I can make your day enjoyable and exciting that you'd forget about your troubles." The desperate woman offered.

Erina can practically break the cup she's holding at the moment. She wished her gifting power can be used to kill someone instead of just tearing and bursting clothes apart.

"Ohh, yes you're right. I'm actually troubled right now because I'm worried sick for my kids and I also think that my wife Erina is angry at me for some reasons." Soma replied genuinely, not intending it as a sarcasm or something. Hearing about kids and wife, the woman felt dejected and left without a word, much to Soma's confusion and to Erina's victorious smirk.

His dumb self could be of use sometimes.

"Dang, I thought she said she's gonna take my troubles away?" Soma suddenly spoke, innocently thinking about the fun and exciting part that the woman said.

Oh, scratch that.

"Yukihira, you better get your stupid ass back here this instant or I will sign divorce papers and claim custody for Hina and Sora!" Erina raged.

"Huh? Well, if you miss me that much I can tell the guys that we'll go home." The husband replied, still clueless.

Erina can only close her eyes at how stupid Soma can be.

"Whatever. Just make sure you behave yourself there and not enjoy some Hawaiian ass or I will go there and strangle you myself." The blonde warned.

"Of course! Your ass is the only-"

"Shut up!" Erina cut, already embarrassed at what Soma was about to say.

"Okay. My wife is as tsundere as ever. Hehehe!" Erina can practically see the laughing face of her husband. And miss him she does, like so much. It's the first time they're far away from each other since there departure 5 years ago. But she won't tell hi-

"I miss you." Oh, she just did.

Erina waited for the teasing but she heard none.

"I know, Erina. I was about to say it too but you beat me to it... The guys are calling me now, they said we'll do surfing today. Can't wait to beat all of them!" Soma said excitingly.

"Well, I didn't marry a loser guy so you better win."

"Yosh! Now that you mentioned it, I will really win. Bye Erina, I'll call you once we're done." He said, whole body's already itching with competitiveness.

"Have fun and take care of yourself. I want you to come home whole and unscratched." Erina stated.

"Yes ojou-sama. I can't wait to come home to you. Man, I miss the kids already. Oh, and I miss you too Nakiri. Prepare yourself once I see you." Soma said with evil smirk.


"Bye, hon. I love you." The red-haired proclaimed with all sincerity.

"I love you too." Erina responded before ending the call.

Now she's ready for the day, her worries gone, and her coffee tasted better. A dose of Soma can really make everything alright.

"Erinaaaa!" The voice of Alice rang throughout the whole villa.

Oh right! I forgot about our activities today.

"Coming!" Then Erina went downstairs to greet her companions a good morning.

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