The Truth 2

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That was a lot of kissing for a single night. They're seemingly addicted with each other's lips. Soma's hands are situated at the blonde's waist while Erina's encircling the redhead's neck, both drawn into their make out session.

The weird feelings were long gone and got replaced with the fast beating of their hearts resembling an arrhythmia and a realization that it was all love. Funny how a kiss can actually define something.

Halfway through their 7th kiss, Erina stopped and stared at the golden orbes of the diner boy she used to despise who looked a little disappointed. She giggled.

"Say, Soma..."


"Do you want to go somewhere outside Japan with me?"

The diner boy looked at the blonde, trying to decipher if she's just joking but all he can see is earnestness. He thought for a moment, grasping the idea that the Erina Nakiri is offering him a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"No..." He said that made the Totsuki princess retreat her hands from his nape.

"Not until you tell me how my transforming Furikake Gohan version 3 tastes." Soma added, looking seriously at the Headmistress.

Erina sighed. This guy really is an idiot. I have no words. She thought.

"Baka! It was passable." She spoke while smiling from ear to ear.

Soma groaned.

"Dammit! Just when I thought it's the one. Man, you really are something Nakiri."

Erina giggled as she hugged the Son of Asura. Feeling the warmth of their bodies...

"You've still got a long way to go, diner boy." She teased

"Hmm. If you say so, Ojou-sama." Soma teased back

"Silence, commoner! Now let's go downstairs before Hisako comes here looking for me." And with that, they shared a final kiss for the night.


"That's it?!" Alice exclaimed in disappointment.

Erina closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath.

"I told you, don't fucking interrupt me in the middle of my story." She glared at her cousin with daggers in her eyes.

"Right, sorry. Carry on, dear cousin." Then she took the pillow that was previously held by the meat master Mito-san.

Seeing that the girls are still eager to listen, Erina faked a cough and continued with her story.

One week had passed since Erina's meaningful encounter with the former First Seat. Thinking about it now, she doesn't really know where they stand.

Are they an official couple? Maybe not, for they haven't said the L word yet.

Or are they just cooking rivals who kissed each other like there's no tomorrow? Erina shook her head at the second one. It can't be! But how the hell would she know their status? Especially with an extremely dense Yukihira?

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by the sudden ringtone of her phone.

"Where are you? I'm already here at the said place you told me." Came the all too familiar voice from the other line.

"Jeez! Can you wait? I'm trying to finish everything here." Erina retaliated whilst smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you even looking at the time?" Said Soma, already annoyed.

Erina looked at the clock again and gasped as she realized she's almost running out of time.

"Ugh, shit I'm late! Fine, you win. I'll be going now." She then quickly got up from her seat, grabbed her jacket, and slammed the door behind her.

After half an hour, the blonde arrived at the meeting place barely on time.

"Sorry for the wait!" She exclaimed with her hair disheveled and her breathing heavy.

Soma turned his head to look at the burned-out Headmistress and smiled mischievously.

"I thought you chickened out or something, it scared me. Glad you came, Erina." The diner boy admitted. He really thought that she backed out.

"I am not a coward type, you know me." Erina replied then made her way over to him and hugged the redhead, much to his surprise. He's not quite used to these affections yet. Nevertheless, it feels so good and he embraced her back.

"Let's go. Our flight's in 5 minutes." Erina said as she let go from the close contact.

Then the two went inside the plane hand in hand, both ready and excited to embark on their journey together.

"I left a note for Hayama to air out the diner. We're supposed to have a Shokugeki today." Soma spoke when they settled on their seats. "Grandpa's too old for that task." He added

"Baka, Soma." Was all Erina can answer as she inclined her head on Soma's shoulder, tired from all the adrenaline rush that occurred beforehand.

"The end." Erina concluded

"How about the time when the two of you made it official, Erinacchi?" Came Yuki's request to go on with the narrative.

"And the wedding too!" Ikumi added.

"Andddd, of course, the most important thing is how Hina and Sora was made." The other Nakiri blurted out resulting of her getting elbowed by Hisako.

"Uhm, guys. I think we should let Erina-san rest for tonight. She just had a 12 hour flight and I'm sure she's so tired right now. We can do another one of this next time." Megumi's motherly nature came out, always right when it is needed.

"You're my saviour, Megumi." Erina said as a thank you.

"Alright, everyone. It's time to go." Ryoko declared as she gathered all the glasses they used.

One by one, they separated.

Hisako thought it is her chance to talk to Erina alone.

"Erina-sama!" She called before the blonde can go upstairs.

"Yes?" Erina answered while giving her loyal friend warm smile.

"Uhm... I j-just want to say, welcome back." Hisako verbalized with teary eyes.

Erina came closer and embraced her aide. "Thank you, Hisako. It feels good to be home." They stayed like that for a few seconds before separating.

The Nakiri heiress then made her way to her room that has been unoccupied for years. As she stepped into her chamber, she immediately examined it. There wasn't any transformation as far as she can remember. The only change is that on her queen-size bed, a red-haired man is sleeping deeply with their son hibernating on his chest and Hina on his side, similarly on her deep slumber.

Erina smiled contentedly at the view before changing her clothes to a night suit. Shortly after, she joined her family on the bed, making use of the remaining space. The blonde kissed the cheeks of her youngsters one by one and proceeded next to kissing Soma on his forehead who moved a little at the affection. She then snuggled as close as she can to her husband and drifted off to sleep with a satisfied soul.


hello, mina! ;) hope you all are doing fine and healthy. thank you for reading. i appreciate y'all! :)


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