Chapter Eight: Blessing💜

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Caleix's POV

"Wife why did you drink?Is there a problem?"I asked when Letisha sat down to our bed.

"You are the problem"she said looking straight to me and she also pointed at me.

"Why?"I asked confusely.

"Just tell me if you don't love me anymore"she said crying,I hug her.

"I love you wife more than anything"I said between our hugs.

"Then why did you cheat on me?Why tell me!"she replied pushing me away from her.I was shock of what she said.

"I didn't mean to.It was a mistake my mistake.I am so sorry wife."I panickly explain trying to stop her from pushing me

"I was busy building our future and you just cheat on me? Your unbelievable"she wipe her tears and point at me.

"I am so sorry wife"I apologized again and tried to stay closed to her but she just push me away.

"You keep on saying sorry but you keep on making mistakes."she said between her sob.

"Why cause you are so eager to have a child but I cannot give that easily to you so you cheat on me cause I cannot give what you want?Is that the reason huh?"she continued.

"No! It is not. I was just drunk and I don't know what happen to me"I tried explaining to her but she just shook her head.

"You don't know but have did you meet your mistress?In a bar?"she said angrily.

"No.She is not my mistress and we don't have a relationship"I said honestly and I started to tear up.

"Then why did you make out with her? and by the way who is she?"she said looking straight to my eye.

"She is my bestfriend.She just bring me here and I don't know what happen next"I said trying to convince her but I failed.

"I cannot believe you"she said trying to stand up and leave.

"Please wife give me one last chance to prove myself"I said also to stop her from leaving the room.

"Just give me space"she said that make me cry.She immediately step out to our room.I was left alone in our room sitting on the floor ,crying.

I run downstairs to check if Letisha is still there but no one is there only the maids.The maids told me that Letisha just leave.I tried calling Mikakeale but she didn't answer.When I called Neiro he immediately answer the call.I ask him if Letisha came to there house but he said that Letisha didn't came so I ended the call quickly and get my keys.

I started the engine of my car and drive to the company.When I arrive there the company is almost close so I ask the guard if they saw Letisha came to the company but he said that Letisha didn't came.

I don't where to go and my last change is Letisha's P.A but she didn't answer my call and I don't know where she leave.I go back to our house.

I tried remembering the places that Letisha could possibly go but as far as I know she is going anywhere.She just stay at the company or at home.I called all our friends but they end up saying that Letisha didn't go to their place.

I am going crazy finding her until midnight and suddenly an unknown number called me.I immediately answer it hoping I could find Letisha by answering it.

"Hello?"I answered the call.

"Are you Mr.Caleix?"someone's in the phone asked.

"Yes I am"I answered

"How are you related to Mrs.Letisha sir?"the person from the phone ask.When she mentioned my wife's name I feel enlighten.

"She is my wife.Why? Where is she?"I answered quickly.

"She is in the hospital right now so kindly come here sir. I'll text you the address of the hospital sir."she said and I worriedly get my keys.

"Okay thanks"I replied starting to drive the car.

The doctor text me the name of the hospital and I immediately drive there.I texted Mikakeale the name of the hospital so that she would not worry.When I arrive there I ask the nurses what room my wife is assigned.They told me a number so I immediately go to thr room they said.

When I arrive to the room my wife was just laying in the hospital bed.She is like sleeping quietly.I stared at her and hold her hand.I was worried at her cause she is drunk and she is driving.I thought something happened to her but thank god she is fine.

"Thankfully you came sir"the doctor said while going inside the room.

"Yeah hows my wife doc?"I asked worriedly.

"She is fine ,she just fainted due to overstress.Do you know that your wife is pregnant?"The doctor asked me.I look at her with disbelief.

"No she didn't tell me about it"I said with a wide eyes.

"She is pregnant. Its is bad for the baby when she drink to much alcohol and she overstress herself."the doctor declared so I worriedly look at my wife.

"We just had a misunderstanding so she drink alcohol to much."I honestly said.

"You need to take care of your wife and the baby so that the baby would be healthy"the doctor replied.

" Yes doc,Thank you doc"I agree.

"Okay I will leave you now and don't forgot what I said "she said before leaving.

"Yeah thanks doc"I said following her when she finally step out to the room.

I turn my head to my wife.I smiled at her and touch her tummy.I am happy that finally I could have a baby.Mikakeale came with Neiro and she worriedly run to her bestfriend.She asked me about what happen so I tell her everything.As expected she got mad at me but she is happy when I declared that we will be having a baby.Neiro came out and decided to buy dinner for us.

Mikakeale and I just talk about Letisha and their achievements I am more proud of Letisha because of what Mikakeale told me.When Neiro got back suddenly Letisha wake up

(A/N): Sorry for my bad English and for wrong speeling.Hope you still enjoy my story and dont forget to correct me about my mistakes.

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Keep safe everyone.

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