Finally I am Officially Yours 💜

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Third person's POV

Caleix and Letisha live together after what just happened to them.Letisha came back to manage the company again with Caleix.They return to their old life where everything is fine.It was like a they came back into reality.

But there lives change,they both have enough time for each other unlike before conflict came.Caleix also had a little patience towards Letisha since she is now pregnant.Letisha was hard to handle right now while she is still carrying their baby.They didn't know the gender but soon they will visit to the hospital to know the gender.

Letisha change her mood quickly like she is happy at that moment but after sometime she immediately get pissed off to Caleix that is doing nothing.Letisha work from home to still manage their company and Caleix would go there and check it.

Letisha was very careful on her moves cause she's been traumatized to her past experience,so she move little bit and didn't handle stressful things or heavy stuff.They have their maids to help on doing household works so Letisha rest whole day.Letisha was very emotional when the doctor announced that they will be having another baby.She doubted herself if she can be a good mother since she lost her first child.Caleix was on her side saying stuff that make Letisha feel better.

The day came where they needed to go to the hospital cause that is the schedule on knowing their child's gender.The couple nervously enter the room where the doctor is.At first Letisha can't calm herself and always turn to Caleix who is also making her feel better.

They both shead tears when the doctor announced the gender.It was really a blessing since they both will be having a baby girl not just one but two baby girls.Letisha was very happy and can't contain herself.They told it to Mikakeale ,They all congratulated both Letisha and Caleix for having a twins.

Months passed Letisha was sitting in their living room when someone from behind hug her.She smiled knowing it is Caleix so she just let her do what he wants.She was watching some movies and Caleix joined her.

Caleix go upstairs to rest first and take care of Letisha later but when he is about to open the room of their room he heard the maids are shouting that make him feel nervous.The maids said that Letisha was about to give birth so they immediately run Letisha to a nearby hospital.

Caleix was waiting outside the labor room when Mikakeale came asking what happen to Letisha and Caleix told them that Letisha is about to give birth to their child.Mikakeale seems to be happy when she heard that Letisha is giving birth but she is also worried about the process of laboring.

After sometime of waiting ,the doctor came out from the labor room and announced to everyone that Letisha gave birth to her twins successfully.Caleix and Letisha celebrated after they heard the announcement of the doctor.They were very happy that finally it is now successful.

They transfer Letisha to a private room so she could rest after the labor.Caleix was on her side when Letisha open her eyes.Letisha was worried when she up without her babies so the nurses came and gave the babies to her.She carry her one baby while the other one was on Caleix arms.They name it Leshia and Lexia.They are staring at their baby when someone entered the labor room and Caleix's mom step in.

Caleix's mom didn't know everything cause Caleix dont want to tell her to avoid worrying her,so when her mother knows ,she immediately visit and go to the hospital to confirm of what she heard.She asked Caleix about all that everything happened and Caleix told the story and everything ,so at first her mother couldn't believe it and she blame herself cause she is the one that let Adelaine enter my life.She is also sorry for Letisha that keep saying to her mother in law that it is all okay since they need to celebrate for their new born babies.

Days goes by after Letisha was discharged from the hospital,Caleix was taking care of her twins together of Letisha but sometimes Letisha needed to go to the company.So Caleix mother live with them cause his mother insisted that she wants to take care of her grandchildren.Letisha agree since their is times that she is not around so she let Caleix mom to take care of her babies when she is busy.It is not hassle for her mom cause there is also a maid that can take care of their twins,so Caleix mom can rest and didn't exhausted herself.

So as days goes by they live in the reality that away from problems.They are now happily living together without hindrance and barrier for their love to each other.They are now more focus on their children to make it a better life as what they all wanted for their children.

Letisha want to give a good future for her children and she don't want to let her children experience what she experience before and how she live while growing up.So she worked hard even she doesn't have time but when she is free ,she give her time by taking care of her twins.

(A/N): Sorry for my bad English and for wrong speeling.Hope you still enjoy my story and dont forget to correct me about my mistakes.

Enjoy reading...

Keep safe everyone.

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